JULY 2016 - V1.0
Chapter 3 - Complex Maintenance
Remote Mount driveshaft alignment
7. Adjust the vertical or horizontal offset on measure points, A-D, and C-B.
Adjust the engine mounts until the distances between the two points A-D and C-B is within
.047 - .094 inches or 1.19 - 2.39 mm. of each other for a standard Konrad (13-430) 9 inch shaft.
If your application is using another shaft, refer to the notes and chart below.
It is recommended to hold either the horizontal or vertical offset at zero and
achieve the offset in one plane. In most cases it is easier to hold the horizontal measurement
at zero
1) Transmission output flange and gimbal carrier input flange must be parallel within .030 inches or .762 mm.
2) Transmission output flange and gimbal carrier input flange must have a compounded vertical and horizontal
offset angle (a) which is 1.0˚ > (a) > 0.5˚ in a u-joint shaft application.
CV shaft applications have a maximum of 2.0˚ compounded vertical and horizontal offset angle (a) which is
2.0˚ > (a) > 1.0˚.
This dimension is a function of the length of the shaft.
3) To determine vertical offset for a u-joint shaft, see picture below and use the following
(x): x = tan a (y - 3.0 in.)
(x): x = tan a (y - 7.62 cm)
4) To determine vertical offset for a CV shaft, use the following formula. (see picture below)
(x): x = tan a (y - 5.04 in.)
(x): x = tan a (y - 12.8 cm)