[ViZion DR+ 1417V2 Wireless Panel Installation Manual]
Customer Support
2.1.1 Connecting the Synchronization Cable
The power supply generator synchronization
cable enables communication between the
ViZion DR+ wireless detector and the X-ray
generator to take place. One end of this cable
connects directly to the G.I.P.S. box. The other
end of the cable connects to the X-ray
generator. Depending on the manufacturer and
model of your X-ray generator, your
synchronization cable may need to be retro-
fitted with the appropriate adapter.
Connect the power supply synchronization
1. Connect power supply synchronization
cable to
Port 1
(either A or B depending
on the expected voltage signal) on the
G.I.P.S. box.
2. Connect the other end of the
synchronization cable to your
(remote triggering device or
bucky interface).
: You can find detailed information
on connecting your cable to a
specific generator in the appropriate
appendix in the Engineering folder
located on the desktop of the Ultra
2.1.2 Connecting the G.I.P.S Box to the
Acquisition PC
To connect the G.I.P.S. box to the acquisition
PC for integration:
Connect the 50’ F-to-F serial cable to
Port 4
on the G.I.P.S. box.
Connect the other end of the 50’ serial
cable to the
serial-to-USB adapter
3. Plug the USB adapter end into one of
USB ports
on the back of the
acquisition PC.
2.1.3 Connecting the Acquisition PC to the
Wireless Access Point
To connect the ASUS AP to the acquisition PC:
Connect the 75’ Cat5 ethernet cable to
one of the
Yellow Ports
on the back of
the ASUS AP.
2. Connect the other end of the ethernet
cable to the
Gigabit CT Network
on the acquisition PC.
2.2 Mobile Hardware Installation
Begin by taking an inventory of the additional
required equipment, which can be found at the
end of
Section 1
2.2.1 SourceRay SR-130 Mobile X-Ray Unit
Side view
Console view