A-61159 May 2002
Paper jam
detected by scanner, 7-1
false, 7-9
Paper path, 5-17 to 5-20
cleaning, 5-17 to 5-18
Paper transport
capacity, 1-8
Color Scanner 3590C, 1-8
Color Scanner 4500, 1-8
Scanner 3500, 1-8
Scanner 3510, 1-8
Scanner 3520, 1-8
features, 1-6
speed, 1-8
Color Scanner 3590C, 1-8
Color Scanner 4500, 1-8
Scanner 3500, 1-8
Scanner 3510, 1-8
Scanner 3520, 1-8
Paper types, recommended, 1-9
Paper weights, recommended, 1-9
Parts, ordering, B-1 to B-2
Password protection, setting, 6-1
Patch code specifications, 4-7
Patch detection
disabling, 4-9
enabling, 4-8
Patch document
for switching scan modes, 4-6 to 4-9
not detected, 7-11
printing, 4-6
specifications, 4-7
where to find, 4-6
Pause button, 4-2
Pausing scanning, 4-2
calibration tests, diagnostic, 6-1
scan system test, 6-3
self-test, 6-2
tests, 6-1
closing, 5-3
lowering, 5-2 to 5-3
Poor image quality, 7-8
attaching, 2-4
Canada, 2-4
Outside U.S. and Canada, 2-4
U.S., 2-4
down, scanner, 4-1, 7-5
setup, 2-4
up, scanner, 4-1
document, 1-9 to 1-10
acceptable document sizes, 1-10
acceptable document thicknesses, 1-10
acceptable materials, 1-9
acceptable paper correction fluids, 1-10
acceptable paper inks, 1-10
recommended paper types, 1-9
recommended paper weights, 1-9
locations, printer, 3-4
orientation, printer, 3-4
positions, for document printer, 3-3
setting, 3-10
side, printer, 3-4
string, changes, 3-3
Printable ASCII character set, 3-1
Printer, 3-1 to 3-16
access door, opening, 3-6
characters, 3-2
components, expected life of, 3-11
dynamic information, 3-1, 3-2
resolution, 3-2
size, 3-2
ink blotter strips, replacing, 3-12 to 3-14
ink cartridge
installing, 3-8 to 3-9
purging, 3-7
replacing, 3-11
ink cartridge carrier, replacing, 3-15 to 3-16
maintenance, 3-11 to 3-16
minimum document width, 3-3
overview, 3-1 to 3-5
print positions, 3-3
setting, 3-10
setting up, through Diagnostic Software, 3-4