A-61159 May 2002
String item selection list—choose the item(s) that you want included
in the print string. Select one of the three Date formats, Time, Counter,
Message, and/or Blanks. Click on the Add button for each item
selected. The string will appear in the text display box. Select a string
and click on the Delete button to remove the string from the string text
display box.
Counter—indicates the number at which the counter will begin printing.
Counter Format—allows you to set the number of digits (1-9) that the
counter will count to until it rolls over (e.g., if “3” is specified, the counter
will print sequential numbers up to 999, and the next scan counter
number will be 000).
Select Display Leading Zeroes in the Counter Format drop-down box
if you want leading zeroes in the counter to print. Choose Suppress
Leading Zeroes if you do not want leading zeroes to print.
Message—allows you to enter a text message that will be printed.
The number of characters allowed depends on the number of
characters specified in the print string.
Date Delimiter—allows you to specify the way the date will be printed.
Font—allows you to select the font the string will be printed with: Large
Comic, Large Cinema, Small Comic, or Small Cinema.
Y Offset—allows you to specify how far from the left margin you want
the string to be printed. Specify the desired units of measure: Inches,
Centimeters, Picas, Points, 20
of Points, or Pixels.
Printer Test—allows you to print the string on a document so you can
verify any changes before saving them.
Defaults—allows you to return all values to their factory defaults.
Copy—allows you to copy the values you specified for the front camera
and enter them for the rear camera, if Duplex is specified in the
Scan Mode field.
OK—saves the values and closes this dialog box. The values are sent
to the scanner when scanning is started.
Cancel—closes this dialog box without saving any changes. All
previous values are restored.