Wirnet iBTS
Document title : Installation and
Maintenance Manual
Version : 2.0
Author : SNI
Date : 04/12/2018
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LoRa RF Antenna
Common generalities
Several LoRa antennas can be used with the Wirnet iBTS as detailed in §1.8.1.
Once the antennas are mounted (see §4.5.2), a RF coaxial cable must be used to connect the
antenna to the Wirnet iBTS.
The RF coaxial cable delivered by default is only 1m length. This is suitable for many
installation but extension coaxial cables can be used when the distance between the LoRa
antenna and the Wirnet iBTS is greater than 1 meter.
The RF coaxial cables have two N male connectors on each side. One side is screwed on the
antenna N female connector and the other side is screwed on the N female connector on the
bottom side of the Wirnet iBTS as follows:
Figure 143 : Connection of the RF coaxial cable
To improve the durability of the RF connections against environmental aggression (moisture,
pollution …), KERLINK recommends to protect connectors with an insulating tape like the
reference 130C from 3M.
To tighten the coaxial cable of the Wirnet iBTS Compact, the installer can use cable clamps
inserted in the dedicated slots of the mounting kit:
1m coaxial cable
N connector
screwed on antenna
N connector
screwed on antenna