Wirnet iBTS
Document title : Installation and
Maintenance Manual
Version : 2.0
Author : SNI
Date : 04/12/2018
This document is the strict property of Kerlink and shall not be either copied nor sent without express
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Figure 66 : Frequency response of the 902-928MHz cavity filter
The Wirnet iBTS are delivered with all required cables to start and operate the gateway,
except the power supplies cables:
RJ45 PoE cable is not provided by KERLINK
Auxiliary power supply cable is not provided by KERLINK
The LoRa antennas are provided with 1m coaxial cable.
Specific installations may require deporting the LoRa antenna further. Extension coaxial
cables are not provided by KERLINK.
The GNSS and LTE antennas are provided with 5m coaxial cable.
Specific installations may require deporting the GNSS antenna or LTE antenna further.
Deporting the GNSS antenna may be required to have a better sky view to optimize the
reception of the satellites.
Deporting the LTE antenna may be required to optimize the LTE reception or improve
isolation with other radio equipment’s on the site.
Extension coaxial cables are not provided by KERLINK.