(3) Detailed explanation of selection of functions
Selection of the soft-start function (Function setting No.1 N-SOFT)
The needle thread may fail to interlace with the bobbin thread at the start of sewing when the stitching
pitch (stitch length) is small or a thick needle is used. To solve such problem, this function (called “soft-start”)
is used to limit the sewing speed, thereby assuring successful formation of the starting stitches.
0 :
The function is not selected.
1 to 9 : The number of stitches to be sewn under the soft-start mode.
The sewing speed limited by the soft-start function can be changed. (Function setting No.37 S-SOFT)
Data setting range
150 to 5,500 sti/min <50 sti/min>
Flicker reducing function (Function setting No.5 T-ACC)
The function reduces flickering of the hand lamp at the start of sewing. The higher the set value increases,
the more effective the function will work.
Setting range
0 to 8
0 : Flicker reducing function does not work.
8 : Flickering is effectively reduced.
The more effective the flicker reducing function works (the more the set value is made),
the lower the start-up speed of the sewing machine will become.
Setting of the needle bar stop position when the sewing machine stops (Function setting No.10 NPS)
The position of the needle bar when the pedal is in its neutral position is specified.
0 : Down The needle bar stops in the lowest position of its stroke.
1 : Up
The needle bar stops in the highest position of its stroke.
If the stop position of the needle bar is set to the highest position, the thread trimming
action will be taken after the needle bar comes down once to the lowest position.
Sound of click of the key switch mounted on the PSC box (Function setting No.11 SOUND)
This function selects whether the sound is effective or ineffective when operating the four key switches
mounted on the PSC box.
0 : off
The sound of click is ineffective.
1 : on
The sound of click is effective.