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The glass panes on the cab are all direct glazed.
Direct Glazing
The following procedures explain how to correctly remove
and install panes of glass that are directly bonded to the cab
frame apertures. When carrying out the procedures, relevant
safety precautions must be taken:
Always wear safety glasses during both removal and
Use protective gloves - heavy duty leather gauntlet type
gloves when cutting out the broken glass; ' non-slip'
type gloves when handling/moving panes of glass;
surgical type gloves when using the polyurethane
Wear protective overalls.
DO NOT smoke - the activators and primers used in the
procedures are highly flammable.
Do not attempt to handle or move panes of glass
unless you are using glass lifters (see
Service Tools
Removing the Broken Glass and Old Sealant
Several special tools are required to successfully complete
the removal and replacement procedures. Reference is
made to the tools in the text. The majority of these tools can
be obtained locally and the remainder from JCB Service
Service Tools
The work must only be carried out in a dry, frost free
environment. A protective canopy may be required or the
machine/frame must be moved to a sheltered area. In damp
or wet conditions, hinged doors and window frames can be
removed from the machine and taken to a more suitable
(dry) environment.
Glass should not be replaced at temperatures below 5°C
The front screen glass is laminated, the other glass is
toughened. If a laminated pane breaks it will stay in one
piece even though the glass is cracked. A toughened pane
will shatter and fall apart. The method of removal of the
glass depends upon which type it is. See WARNING below.
Always wear safety glasses when removing or installing
screen glass. Never use a power operated knife when
removing the sealant around a toughened glass screen.
The action of the knife could cause particles of glass to
be thrown with sufficient force to cause serious injury,
even when safety glasses are being worn. Use only hand
operated tools when working with toughened glass.
BF 2-3/1
Section B
Section B
21 - 1
Issue 1
Service Procedures