= Key1
= Key 2
= Key 3
= Max. value or consumption = Min. value or supply
EMAX target value (Option)
For the EMAX-Program, up to 5 EMAX target values
can be programmed. To each target, a target
number is assigned (1-5). The changeover of the
target is effected via the EMAX target numbers. The
changeover can be selected via the internal clock
or the digital inputs of the UMG 505.
EMAX digital outputs (Option)
Connection power and connection time
The EMAX program can control up to 5 Emax digi-
tal outputs. Each Emax digital output can have a
priority 0 ... 9. EMAX outputs with priority 0 are not
considered in the trand calculation of the Emax pro-
gram. EMAX outputs with low priority, example 1,
are disconnected at first and reconnected at last.
EMAX outputs with the same priority have equal
rights. Only if all Emax outputs of the same priority
have been disconnected, the next priority will be
considered for disconnection.
To determine the time of switching more accurate,
each Emax output must be programmed with its
connection power, which means the power of the
connected consumers.
The assigned switching times are held in any case.
The minimum connection time describes, for how
long a consumer must be connected between two
EMAX digital output
Connection power
Minimum connection
time in seconds.
The programmable parameters are:
: 0 .. 9 (0 = off)
EMAX digital outputs
: 1 .. 5
Connection power
: 0W .. 9999MW
Min. connection time
: 20 .. 999seconds
Min. disconnection time : 20 .. 999seconds
Max. disconnection time : 20 .. 999seconds
EMAX Target number
EMAX target