Heat Mode
Ready vs. Rest / Circula on Mode / Ready
-in-Rest Mode
Heat Mode—Ready vs. Rest
In order for the swim spa to heat, a pump needs to circulate water through the heater(s). The
pump that performs this func on is known as the “heater pump”.
The heater pump can be either a 2-
speed pump (Pump 1) or a circula on pump.
If the heater pump is a 2-Speed pump 1, Ready Mode will circulate water evert 1/2 hour, us-
ing Pump 1 Low, in order to maintain a constant water temperature, heat is needed, and re-
fresh the temperature display. This is known as “polling”.
Rest Mode will only allow hea ng during programmed filter cycles. Since polling does not oc-
cur, the temperature display may not show a current temperature un l the heater pump has
been running for a minute or two.
When the heater pump has come on automa cally (for example for hea ng) you can switch
between low speed and high speed but you cannot turn the heater pump off.
Circula on Mode
If the swim spa is configured for 24HR circula on, the heater pump generally runs con nu-
ously. Since the heater pump is always running, the swim spa will maintain set temperature
and heat as needed in Ready Mode, without polling.
In Rest Mode, the swim spa will only heat to set temperature during programmed filter mes,
even though the water is being filtered constantly when in 24HR circula on mode.
Ready-in-Rest Mode
Ready in Rest Mode appears in the display if the swim spa is in Rest Mode and the Jets 1
Bu on is pressed. When the heater pump has come on automa cally (for example for
hea ng) you can switch between low speed and high speed but cannot turn the heater pump
off. A er 1 hour, the System will revert to Rest Mode. This mode can also be reset by selec ng
the Heat Mode line on the Screen shown on the previous page.