Pro X Current Control System
Pro X Current Control provides a low cost swim spa solu on. Our unique plumbing configura-
on ensures uniform water flow for a smooth workout experience. Pro X is configured with 4
two-speed pumps and provides a wide variety of workout modes to ensure swimmers achieve
their fitness goals.
11.1 Manual Workout Mode
With the Manual Workout the user adjusts the speed up and down. The workout runs un l it
mes out a er an hour or the user cancels the workout. Workout elapsed me is shown.
Workout can be paused / resumed. A swimmer icon animates when the workout is running.
The icon stops and turns gray when the workout is paused.
Adjust speed
Stop workout
Press the swimmer
Icon. (Home Screen)
Press Manual Workout
11.2 Timed Workout Mode
Timed Workout is the same as a manual workout except the user has to enter a workout dura-
on and ini al workout speed before progressing to the workout screen. Users can do every-
thing they can on the manual workout screen. It adds the workout me remaining to the dis-
Press the swimmer
Icon. (Home Screen)
Press Timed Workout
Set dura on and speed
Stop workout Adjust speed