Swim Spa Opera on
10.1 Main Screen
Important informa on about the swim spa opera on can be seen on the “Main Screen”. Most
features including Set Temperature adjustment, can be accessed from this screen. The actual
water temperature can be seen and the Set Temperature can be adjusted. Time of Day, Ozone
and Filter status is available along with other messages and alerts. The selected Temperature
Range is indicated in the upper le corner of the display. The Spa Equipment Control Icon will
spin if any pump is running. A Lock Icon is visible if the panel or se ngs are locked.
Note: A er 30 minutes* the display will automa cally go into sleep mode, which turns the
display off. This is normal opera on. Touch anywhere on the screen to wake the panel up.
H = High Temperature Range
L = Low Temperature Range
R = Ready Mode
RR = Ready / Rest Mode
IR = Rest Mode
F1 = Filter Cycle 1 running
F2 = Filter Cycle 2 running
F+ = Both running
O3 = Ozone is running. If you do not see the icon that means the ozone is off.
C = Clean-up cycle is running. Note: Not all systems that can run a Cleanup Cycle display
this icon.
Wi-Fi icon just indicates that the Wi-Fi link is connected
Invert (or flip) Screen