Lock Icon: When displayed, indicates the panel is in a locked mode. To unlock or lock a
se ng or panel lock, first press the corresponding icon on the Lock Screen, then press
and hold the word “Lock” for 5+ seconds un l the text and icon change to the opposite
There are 2 lock icons that can be shown on the tle bar of most screens. A tall skinny one
represen ng a se ngs lock is applied. It is shown on screens that are affected by the se ngs
lock. And the standard lock icon Padlock
which represents the panel being locked. If both
se ngs and panel are locked, only the panel lock will show since the se ngs lock doesn’t do
much in that situa on. When the panel is locked, the Se ngs Screen will only show items not
affected by that lock (System Info and Lock Screens)
Adjust set temperature higher
Adjust set temperature lower
Message wai ng indicator: The Message Wai ng Indicator will show on of the following
= fatal error (swim spa can’t func on un l it is fixed)
= Normal Error or Warning
= Reminder Message
= Informa on Message
= Spa equipment icon
Brings up a screen where the spa jets, blower or other equipment can be controlled. While on the Spa
Equipment Screen, you can press a Jets bu on once for low speed, and if configured press it again for
high speed.
= Jet is inac ve. Indicates if a pump is running or not.
= Se ngs is ac ve
= Se ngs is inac ve
= Different anima on sequences, including blinking, may indicate different stages of hea ng.