Cycle timeout
If the production cycle time is more than t10 time without receiving any thickness detector signal (ESP), the next
launching phase will be started. If the same thing happens again at the next launching, the machine will stop. *
Signaling: Flashing in LE1.
Short production cycle
If during two consecutive cycles the production cycle time is less than t7 time, the machine will stop. * Signaling:
Flashing in LE2.
Water filling timeout
When it occurs, the water valve (EW) must be activated, the level sensor (NW) will not be active during a
maximum time t9.
Two possibilities:
- Dip-switch 4 off → Machine stops until reset.
- Dip-switch 4 on → Machine stops and once time t13 has passed, the startup is re-initiated. .
* Signaling: Flashing in LE3.
Machine Stacking
It is possible to install two modular machines stacked one above the other with the ITV MS stacking kit (part
number 6586).
The switchboard must have a connector permitting to connect the boards of both machines with a single cable
and also a dip-switch with the indication:
- Dip-Switch 5 on
upper machine
- Dip-Switch 5 off
lower machine
The lower machine works in the same way as if operating alone.
The upper machine operates normally except when the lower machine is stopped due to full storage (full), at this
moment, the upper machine will also stop and pass over to the same status (full).
When the curtain of the lower machine is closed again, it re-initiates the start-up sequence, likewise the upper
machine, but with a 1’ delay.