LED signalling
LO 1-6
6 orange LEDs for each output
LI 1- 7
7 green LEDs for each input
LE 1-4
4 red LEDs for status/alarm (flashing) stand by – ice – full - wash
They detect operational malfunctions. They are indicated with the flashing status LEDs LED1-4.
During some alarms a second operation retry attempt is carried out and if repeated again, the machine will stop.
Signaling should be indicated since the first failure occurs. If the second retry attempt is ok, the signaling must be
switched off.
In case that a machine stop has been caused by alarm, the resetting is done by disconnecting or by switching over
to position 0. If the dip-switch 2 is closed, time alarms are not to be followed.
Safety pressure
When the pressure contact (P) is open, instantly, all outputs switch over to off position.
When it is closed again, there are two possibilities:
- Dip-switch 1 off. Manual reset. The machine remains stopped until reset → Initial start-up.
- Dip-switch 1 on. Automatic reset. The machine will continue at the position where it was.
* Signaling: Flashing in the four LEDs.
Long operation
If the operation launching time is longer than t5 time without activation of the curtain micro contact
(MC), the launching is interrupted, switching over to the production cycle. If the same thing happens
again at the next launching, the machine will stop.
* Signaling: Flashing in LE0.