Installation of the software
In addition to the machine driver (I5DRV), the HPDOWN, REMOTE and ISY-CAM - both only in
case of type 3 - software packages are provided for setting-up of the machine and processing
the parts.
At first, install the driver for the machine onto your computer (DOS-modus):
Insert the driver floppy disk (i5drv starting with type 2.1) into your disk drive for the ICP.
Access the disk drive by entering “A:
(return) and/or B:”
Start the installation program with “install”
and/or “install -e” (in English).
The program installs the driver.
Add the following line to
(“cd ..”
“edit autoexec.bat”
Start the driver with “cdi5”
and “i5drv”
(to start, the machine must be
connected and turned on).
Please refer to the notes in the corresponding manuals and/or in the Readme files on the
floppy disks for the installation of the supplied device operating programs. You find all
descriptions for using the software in the enclosed manuals.
Leadscrew pitch
By default, the I5DRV machine driver is set to a leadscrew pitch of 10 mm. You must change
a setting in the I5DRV machine driver so that the traversing speeds and the measure of the
axes agree with inputs during the operation if your machine has a pitch of 4 mm.
The machine driver must be installed. The machine must be connected and turned on.
Go to the I5 directory: “cd i5”
Select the machine driver: “i5drv”
Run the adjusting program: “i5ein”
(press 2x). On the screen, a window appears in
which you can perform the necessary settings.
Open the
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