-PSPCI V3 User Manual
3.6 Configuration of axis direction
In this chapter the configuration of the X-, Y- and Z axis direction will be explained. Due to
the different constructions and arrangements of the axis on machines and systems, the
standard adjustments for the axis direction have to be changed.
As a basic principle two different types of machines have to be distinguished:
Gantry units ( e. g. EuroMod P Series)
The machine table (Y axis) carries the clamping plate for
the work piece. It moves in positive Y direction from the
tool tip when moving towards the operator.
Flatbed units (e.g. EuroMod F Series, FlatCom
Series, OverHead Series)
The clamping area for the work piece is solidly fixed on the
machine frame. A Y-movement of the tool in positive
direction (+Y) goes away from the operator.
For both types the axis direction has to be considered regarding the tool tip, so
the coordinate system adds up to a „right-system“. (right-hand-rule).
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