-PSPCI V3 User Manual
3.3.3 Select
You can choose between parameters of the
driver (Mtdrv.ini) and the MTasc-parameter
3.3.4 Save and Close
If you press "Save" all changes will overwrite the original settings. It is not possible to get the
original settings back after the new settings have been saved.
By pressing the "Close"-button MtConfig will be closed. You will be prompted for saving the
changes if there are any.
3.3.5 The Coordinate Window
The coordinate window shows the current coordinates of the machine. Mtasc is able to
manage several coordinate systems ("object coordinates"), which are based on a fixed system
of machine coordinates.
If you press Shift+F1 to Shift+F7 you can change between the following displays:
Shift+F1: Display Off
Shift+F2: Object Coordinates
Shift+F3: Machine Coordinates
Shift+F4: Speed
Shift+F5: Increments (Target)
Shift+F6: Increments (Actual)
Shift+F7: Trailing Offset (Incr.)
The shown speed is a digital size.
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