-PSPCI V3 User Manual
Range limit
The machine has moved beyond the range limit. More details
see MTASC-Function
in MTasc help file).
Limit switch
The machine has moved into a hardware limit switch in one
or more axis. The corrosponding hardware limit switch (+,-)
will be shown in the list.
Following error
The difference between desired and current position of at least
one axis has exceeded some internal limit.
Depends on the type of the controller. Only when
communicating with intelligent circuit boards.
In these cases the machine will stop immediately.
Error while using Programs
(for Ex. Syntax error) will be shown in a separate window
along with name and path of the file and the line in which the error occurred.
3.4 Notes
3.4.1 Referencing
When referencing the axes (in order Z, X, Y, A, B ) will be moved towards one end to find
the appropriate zero position.
Before referencing the following values have to be assigned:
The output addresses for the axes
The moving direction of the axes (axes)
The direction used to reference (reference run)
The functionality of the reference switch
To check if the settings are correct use manual jogging.
3.4.2 Manual
To move the machine manually use the keyboard combinations Strg+Alt+Arrow or
Alt + Ctrl + right arrow:
X- axis right
Alt + Ctrl + left arrow:
X- axis left
Alt + Ctrl + up arrow:
Y- axis backward
Alt + Ctrl + down arrow:
Y- axis forward
Alt + Ctrl + page up:
Z- axis up
Alt + Ctrl + page down:
Z- axis down
Alt + Ctrl + Pos1:
A- axis plus
Alt + Ctrl + End:
A- axis minus
Seite - 8