KNX - Daikin A.C. (SKY & VRV line)
User's manual r1.0 eng
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4.6 Temperature Configuration dialog
Figure 4.20
Default Temperature Configuration dialog
All the parameters in this section are related with the Temperature properties and
communication objects.
4.6.1 Periodic sending
of “Status_ AC Setp”
This parameter lets you change the interval of time (in seconds, from 0 to 255) at the end of
which the AC setpoint temperature is sent to the KNX bus. For a
value, the AC setpoint
temperature will ONLY be sent on change. The AC setpoint temperature is sent through the
communication object
Status_ AC Setpoint Temp.
Figure 4.21
Parameter detail
In case of working with the gateway in slave mode and the ambient
temperature provided from KNX, the setpoint temperature returned from this object, will
be the one resulting from the formula shown in the section “4.6.5 Ambient temp. ref. is
provided from KNX”.