Pre -Rid e Ins p e ctions
Tire s
Op e rating the m otorcycle with incorre ct tire s,
incorre ct tire p re ssure or exce ssive ly worn tire s could cause loss of
control or accid e nt.
Und e r inflation can cause a tire to ove rhe at and
re sult in a tire failure .
Always use the corre ct size and typ e of tire s
sp e cifie d by INDIAN MOTORCYCLE for your ve hicle . Always m aintain
prop e r tire p re ssure as re com m e nd e d in the rid e r’s m anual and on
safe ty lab e ls.
Tire Pre s s ure
Imp rop e r tire p re ssure can re sult in irre g ular tire we ar, tire
failure , re d uce d fue l e conomy and a p oor r id ing
e xp e r ie nce . It can also affe ct hand ling and stop p ing ab ility.
Slow tire p re ssure loss ove r time is normal for a functional
tire . Always insp e ct tire p re ssure and cond ition b e fore e ach
r id e .
Che ck tire p re ssure b e fore r id ing, whe n the tire s are cold .
This will p rovid e the most accurate re ad ing, as r id ing warms
the tire s and incre ase s tire air p re ssure . Tire s re main warm
for at le ast 3 hours afte r a r id e . Do not ad just tire p re ssure
imme d iate ly afte r r id ing. As tire s cool, the p re ssure will
d rop and re sult in und e r inflation. Always che ck and ad just
tire p re ssure whe n tire s are cold .
Using a g ood q uality p ocke t-style g aug e , ad just tire
p re ssure to the re comme nd e d p re ssure . Se e p ag e 81.
Tire Condition
Insp e ct the tire sid e walls, road contact surface and tre ad
b ase . If insp e ction reve als cuts, p uncture s, cracks or othe r
we ar or d amag e , re p lace the tire b e fore r id ing. Always use
the cor re ct size and typ e of tire s sp e cifie d b y INDIAN
MOTORCYCLE for your ve hicle .
Tire Tre ad De pth
Me asure the tre ad d e p th ne ar the ce nte r of the tre ad on b oth
tire s. Se e p ag e 80. Re p lace any tire with a tre ad d e p th of le ss
than 1/ 16 inch (1.6 mm).
Содержание Scout 2015
Страница 1: ...2015 Rider s M ual ...
Страница 3: ...1 2015 Rider s Manual Indian Scout ...
Страница 21: ...19 Com ponent Identification 19 18 13 9 15 7 14 17 4 16 20 ...
Страница 117: ...115 Maintenance Log Maintenance Performed Miles Km Notes Performed by ...
Страница 118: ...116 Maintenance Log Maintenance Performed Miles Km Notes Performed by ...