C le aning and Storage
Cle aning Produc ts
This se ction p rovid e s tip s on the ve r y b e st way to cle an,
p olish and p re se r ve eve r y surface of your b e autiful ne w
INDIAN motorcycle . We re comme nd the use of our ne w
INDIAN MOTORCYCLE cle aning and p olishing p rod ucts
and acce ssor ie s, which have b e e n sp e cially d e sig ne d to
offe r the b e st care p ossib le for your INDIAN motorcycle .
In ad d ition to the p rod ucts re comme nd e d in this se ction for
cle aning and p olishing, INDIAN MOTORCYCLE also has
sp e cialty p olishing p rod ucts for:
• re moving scratche s, scuffs and swirls
• e nhancing b lack and silve r e ng ine s
• cle aning e ng ine s, tire s and whe e ls
• re moving b rake d ust
Afte r cle aning the motorcycle , insp e ct for d amag e to the
p ainte d surface s. Re p air chip s or scratche s p romp tly b y
ap p lying INDIAN MOTORCYCLE touch-up p aint to p reve nt
cor rosion.
For more information, or for answe rs to your cle aning and
d e tailing q ue stions, p le ase se e your INDIAN MOTORCYCLE
d e ale r.
Was hing the M otorc yc le
Do not use p re ssurize d wate r to wash the m otorcycle . Hig h
p re ssure wate r will d am ag e rad iator fins. Wate r m ay se ep
in and d e te riorate whe e l b e aring s, b rake calip e r
asse m blie s, b rake m aste r cylind e rs, e le ctrical conne ctors,
ste e ring he ad b e aring s, and transm ission se als. Do not
d ire ct any wate r stre am at air intake s, exhaust outle ts or
e le ctrical conne ctors.
Ele ctrical com p one nts m ay b e d am ag e d by wate r. Do not
allow wate r to contact e le ctrical com p one nts or
conne ctors.
Be fore washing, make sure e xhaust p ip e s are cool.
Cove r e ach p ip e op e ning with a p lastic b ag se cure d
with a strong rub b e r b and . Make sure the oil fill cap and
fue l tank cap are p rop e rly se ate d .
Do not use ab rasive cle ane rs.
Rinse off as much d ir t and mud as p ossib le with wate r
r unning at low p re ssure . Use as little wate r as p ossib le
whe n washing ne ar the air intake or the e xhaust p ip e
op e ning s. Dr y the se comp one nts thoroug hly b e fore
using the motorcycle .
Cle an the front fork tub e s thoroug hly to re d uce fork se al
we ar and le akag e .
Afte r washing, re move the r ub b e r b and s and p lastic
b ag s from the e xhaust p ip e s. Star t the e ng ine and le t it
id le for a fe w minute s.
Make sure the b rake s are functioning p rop e rly b e fore
r id ing.
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