Ins trum e nts , Fe ature s and C ontrols
Ins trum e nt Clus te r
Multi-Func tion Dis play (MFD)
Diag nos tic Func tionality
Ce r tain cond itions will cause an e r ror me ssag e to d isp lay in the scre e n. If this occurs, p le ase se e your author ize d d e ale r.
Eng ine Error Code s
The e r ror scre e n d isp lays only whe n the CHECK ENGINE lig ht is on or whe n it
g oe s on and off d ur ing one ig nition cycle . Er ror cod e s d isp lay only d ur ing the
cur re nt ig nition cycle . Whe n the ig nition switch is tur ne d OFF, the cod e and
me ssag e is lost, b ut will re ap p e ar if the fault re occurs afte r re star ting the
e ng ine .
If the CHECK ENGINE ind icator lamp illuminate s, re tr ieve the e r ror cod e s
from the d isp lay.
If the e rror cod e s are not d isp laye d , use the MODE b utton to tog g le until
“Ck ENG” d isp lays on the main line of the d isp lay.
Pre ss and hold the MODE b utton to e nte r the d iag nostics cod e me nu.
Re cord the thre e numb e rs d isp laye d in the g e ar p osition, clock and
od ome te r d isp lays.
Se e an author ize d d e ale r for cod e d e tails and d iag nosis.
Me s s ag e
Loc ation
Indic ate s
DC Voltag e Scre e n
Voltag e re mains b e low 11.0 volts for more than 10 se cond s
DC Voltag e Scre e n
Voltag e re mains ab ove 15.0 volts for more than 10 se cond s
Che cksum e rror (g aug e malfunction)
Susp e ct Parame te r
Numb e r (SPN)
Er ror Cod e
Numb e r (0-9)
Failure Mod e Ind icator (FMI)
Содержание Scout 2015
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Страница 117: ...115 Maintenance Log Maintenance Performed Miles Km Notes Performed by ...
Страница 118: ...116 Maintenance Log Maintenance Performed Miles Km Notes Performed by ...