M ainte nance
Batte ry Ins tallation
Im p rop e rly conne cting or d isconne cting b atte ry
cable s can re sult in an exp losion and cause se rious injury or d e ath.
W he n re m oving the b atte ry, always disconne ct the negative (black)
cable first. W he n re installing the b atte ry, always conne ct the negative
(black) cable last.
Do not re m ove the b atte ry cable s while the e ng ine is
running. Doing so m ay d am age the Ele ctronic Control Unit
(ECM). Take g re at care not to reve rse the b atte ry le ad s
whe n installing the b atte ry. Reve rse p owe r ap p lie d to the
ECM will d am ag e it instantly.
Insp e ct the b atte r y b ox for d amag e . Be sure p ad s are in
g ood cond ition and p rop e rly locate d .
Make sure cab le e nd s and b atte r y te rminals are cle an.
Ap p ly a lig ht film of d ie le ctr ic g re ase to the te rminal
b olt thre ad s.
Care fully p osition the b atte r y into the b atte r y b ox with
the ne g ative (-) te rminal toward the front of the
motorcycle .
Make sure the p ositive (+ ) cab le is route d hor izontally
and p e r p e nd icular to the long sid e of the b atte r y.
Conne ct the p ositive (+ ) cab le to the p ositive (+ ) b atte r y
te rminal.
Torque : 45 in-lbs (5 Nm )
Install the ne g ative (-) g round cab le last.
Torque : 45 in-lbs (5 Nm )
Re install the b atte ry hold -d own strap .
Torque : 96 in-lbs (10. 8 Nm )
Re install the se at. Se e p ag e 82.
Batte ry Charg ing
If your motorcycle will not b e use d for a p e riod of four (4)
we e ks or long e r, a mainte nance charg e r should b e
conne cte d to the b atte ry. A mainte nance charg e r can b e
p urchase d throug h your authorize d INDIAN MOTORCYCLE
d e ale r.
Following the charg e r manufacture r’s instr uctions, use a
b atte r y charg e r d e sig ne d for use with 12-volt b atte r ie s.
The charg e r should have a maximum charg ing rate of
1.8 amp s. Charg e the b atte r y for ap p roximate ly 10
hours at a rate of 1.8 amp s. If you use a tap e r or tr ickle
charg e r, it will take long e r to charg e the b atte r y.
Afte r charg ing the b atte r y, allow the b atte r y to sit 1-2
hours b e fore che cking the state of charg e with a DC volt
me te r. The charg e should b e a minimum of 12.5 DC
volts. Re p e at the charg ing cycle if the charg e is le ss than
12.5 DC volts. Re p lace the b atte r y if it fails to re ach 12.5
volts afte r the se cond charg e .
Содержание Scout 2015
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Страница 3: ...1 2015 Rider s Manual Indian Scout ...
Страница 21: ...19 Com ponent Identification 19 18 13 9 15 7 14 17 4 16 20 ...
Страница 117: ...115 Maintenance Log Maintenance Performed Miles Km Notes Performed by ...
Страница 118: ...116 Maintenance Log Maintenance Performed Miles Km Notes Performed by ...