M ainte nance
Re ar Shoc k Pre load (Ride He ig ht) Adjus tm e nt
Sp e cial tools are re q uire d to p e rform this p roce d ure . Se e the
INDIAN Se r vice Manual or your author ize d INDIAN d e ale r.
Uneve n adjustm e nt m ay cause p oor hand ling of the
m otorcycle , which could re sult in an accid e nt. Always ad just b oth the
le ft and rig ht shock p re load e q ually, or have your d e ale r p e rform the
ad justm e nts.
Ve r ify that tire p re ssure is at sp e cification. Se e p ag e 81.
Re st the motorcycle on the sid e stand .
Loose n the lock nut b y tur ning it counte r-clockwise (as
vie we d from the top of shock) with the sp anne r wre nch.
The up p e r sp anne r nut on the shock is the lock nut. The
lowe r sp anne r nut is the ad juste r nut.
Sp ray a lig ht lub r icant on the ad juste r nut whe re it
contacts the sp r ing. DO NOT allow sp ray to contact the
d r ive b e lt.
Ad just shock p re load b y rotating the ad juste r nut
clockwise (as vie we d from the top of shock) to
INCREASE p re load (firm) or counte r-clockwise to
DECREASE p re load (softe r).
Re che ck the p re load me asure me nt afte r ad justing.
Tig hte n the lock nut se cure ly ag ainst the ad juste r nut.
Ad juste r
Incre ase Pre load
(more firm)
De cre ase Pre load
(softe r)
Содержание Scout 2015
Страница 1: ...2015 Rider s M ual ...
Страница 3: ...1 2015 Rider s Manual Indian Scout ...
Страница 21: ...19 Com ponent Identification 19 18 13 9 15 7 14 17 4 16 20 ...
Страница 117: ...115 Maintenance Log Maintenance Performed Miles Km Notes Performed by ...
Страница 118: ...116 Maintenance Log Maintenance Performed Miles Km Notes Performed by ...