Cheetah Pregius Camera with 10 GigE Vision Interface – User Manual
October 8, 2020
Rev 1.0
Jumbo Frames
Jumbo Frames
Jumbo Packets
) parameter allows for payloads larger than the standard
maximum transmission unit (MTU) of 1,500 bytes and supports up to 9,000 bytes per packet.
Jumbo Frames are used to reduce the overhead load per packet, decrease CPU load, and
increase data transfer rate. As fewer packets are needed to transfer data, the number of
interrupts decreases resulting in lower overall CPU usage.
Make sure that each piece of your network equipment (cameras, switches, routers, Network
Interface Cards (NICs)) supports Jumbo frames and is configured to use the same frame size. If
some network devices do not support Jumbo Frames, fragmentation and packet drops occur.
Most network adapters have Jumbo Packets disabled. To enable Jumbo Packet, please follow the
steps in the
Adjusting Jumbo Frames, Receive/Transmit Buffers, and Interrupt Moderation
Connect the Cheetah 10 GigE Vision camera to a dedicated Ethernet port and
use an Ethernet adapter that supports Jumbo Packets.
Receive/Transmit Buffers
Receive Buffers
Receive Descriptors
) and
Transmit Buffer
parameters set the amount of
system memory that can be used by the adapter driver when copying data to the memory.
Typically, it is set to a low value by default (usually 256). This insufficient number of
receive/transmit buffers leads to dropped packets (older packets will be overwritten).
For maximum performance, set these parameters as high as possible.
The maximum setting supports more packets, improves stability, and can be configured on the
most systems without causing any system level interrupt. However, it can negatively affect servers
which have limited system memory.
Receive/Transmit Buffers settings do not affect your system’s CPU usage.
The Receive Buffers can be set up to 2048 depending upon the RAM
available. Make sure that the Transmit Buffers setting is double the Receive
Buffers. Experiment with the settings until you achieve the best value
appropriate for your system.