ITW Dynatec
Chapter 6
Page 54
Apex Slot Die Applicator, Manual #40-47, Rev. 10.16
6.3 Testing of Heater Cartridge or Temperature Sensor
1. Turn the ASU OFF and make sure all adhesive air pressure and the pump are turned
2. Unplug the electrical cable from the adhesive supply hose to expose the pins in the
Note: Pin connectors and pinout numbers will vary depending on the control scheme of
the applicator. See pages Chapter 8 for a diagram of each.
Testing Resistance of the Heater Cartridge
a. The resistance value (Ohms) of your heater cartridge may be calculated using the
= Ohms
To determine wattage, see heater cartridges chart in Chapter 7.
b. Measurements:
For DynaControl/ PLC:
With an ohmmeter, contact pins 7 and 8 and measure
For Controller MCV:
With an ohmmeter, contact pins 3 and 5 and measure
For Upgrade (NI RTD):
With an ohmmeter, contact pins 1 and 2 and measure
For Upgrade (Thermocouple):
With an ohmmeter, contact pins 2 and 3 and
measure resistance.
For Upgrade (PT RTD):
With an ohmmeter, contact pins 2 and 3 and measure
c. A tolerance range of ± 5% is allowed. A heater cartridge that tests outside of this
range must be replaced.