Chapter 2
Safety Instructions
ITW Dynatec
Apex Slot Die Applicator, Manual #40-47, Rev. 10.16
Page 15
Treatment for Burns from Hot Melt Adhesives
Measures after being burned:
1. Burns caused by hot melt adhesive must be treated at a burn center. Provide the burn
center's staff a copy of the adhesive's M.S.D.S. to expedite treatment.
2. Cool burnt parts immediately!
3. Do not remove adhesive forcibly from the skin!
4. Care should be used when working with hot melt adhesives in the molten state.
Because they rapidly solidify, they present a unique hazard. Even when first solidified,
they are still hot and can cause severe burns.
5. When working near a hot melt application system, always wear safety shoes, heat-
resistant protective gloves, safety goggles and protective clothes that cover all
vulnerable parts of the body.
6. Always have first-aid information and supplies available.
7. Call a physician and/or an emergency medical technician immediately. Let the burns
medicate by a medic immediately.
Measures in case of fire
1. Please heed that not covered hot parts of the engine and molten hot melt may cause
heavy burns. Risk of burns!
2. Work very carefully with molten hot melt. Keep in mind, that already jelled hot melt can
be very hot, too.
3. When working near a hot melt application system, always wear safety shoes, heat-
resistant protective gloves, safety goggles and protective clothes that cover all
vulnerable parts of the body!
Measures in case of fire:
Wear safety shoes, heat-resistant protective gloves, safety goggles and protective
clothes that cover all vulnerable parts of the body.
Firefighting - burning hot melt:
Please keep attention to the safety data sheet given by the adhesive manufacturer.
Appropriate extinguishing agents:
Foam extinguisher, Dry powder, Spray, Carbon dioxide (CO2), Dry sand.
For safety reasons not appropriate extinguishing agents: None.
Firefighting - burning electrical equipment:
Appropriate extinguishing agents:
Carbon dioxide (CO2), Dry powder.