Basic Device Manual AS-i ControllerE M4 Target V15
Error description
AS-i master command errors: error codes M01...M44
Error message
Slave data invalid
This error message has a multiple
meaning and depends on the requested
1. Slave readdressing
Address 32 = 0B was indicated as
target address.
Address 0B is not valid.
► Write valid address.
2. Write parameter
The attempt was made to write a
value greater than 7
to an A/B
slave, ID=A
► Write valid value.
7.3/7.4 sequence failure
During the transfer according to the "7.4
slave protocol" the master detected an
error in the triple sequence of the slave.
Possible causes:
1. Interference on the bus
► Remove cause of the interference.
2. Software error in the AS-i slave
► Contact the AS-i specialist or
Host timeout on 7.4
During the transfer according to the "7.4
slave protocol" the master detected a
timeout in the communication with the
operating system.
Possible cause:
Long PLC cycle which unacceptably
slows down the transfer of the
individual 7.4 segments of the operating
system or PLC to the master: t > 1 s.
If this occurs, the master ends the
started 7.4 transfer and restarts the
normal exchange of data with the
concerned slave.
► Shorten PLC cycle by optimising
the program.
► Avoid program loops and complex
arithmetic operations.
Invalid address
This error message has a multiple
meaning and depends on the requested
1. The attempt was made to write a
parameter to slave 0.
► Correct slave address.
2. During readdressing the address 0
or 0B was indicated as start and
target address.
► Indicate valid address.
3. During the attempt to write the
"extended ID code 1" the address 0
was used.
► Indicate valid address.