IEI MiniMax 3 Installation/Programming Manual Section 3: Programming
3.6 Programming Users
The following section describes in detail how to program users. Each Max 3 Door Control Module can store up to 2000 users. Each
user is stored in a unique position in the units memory. This is referred to as the user location. Codes can be from 1 to 6 digit in length
in any combination. If at any point while programming a code or a card you get a programming error (solid yellow LED), and you
know you are entering the command correctly, make sure that the code or card is not already programmed. If you are unsure try
entering that code or presenting that card outside of program mode and see if you are granted access. If so, you must use a different
code or card for that user.
3.6.1 User Types
The table below identifies and describes the four user types supported by the Max 3. The user type number is used in programming
commands in the subsequent sections where it indicates “user type.”
Table 4: User Types
User Type Name
User Type Number
Toggle User
Toggle users are used to latch the Main Relay in the unlocked
position for an indefinite period of time. Entering the same (or
another) toggle code, re-locks the unit.
Standard Access
Normal access users are the default user type. This user type unlocks
the door for the duration of the Main Relay time set in command 11.
See section 3.4 for details.
Lockout User
A Lockout user is used to lock out other users from gaining access
through the door. Refer to section 3.10 for details on user lockout.
Extended Unlock User
Extended Unlock users operate like standard access users, except
they use a different unlock time programmed using command 32,
parameter 3. It is defaulted to 10 seconds. See section 3.8 for details.
Singe Use User
Single use users are allowed to gain access only once. After you enter
this code/card the user is deleted from memory.
Relock User
A Relock user is used to relock the door if it was toggled open or is in
auto-unlock. Once entered, the door relocks immediately.
Emergency User
An Emergency user is a special user that can't be locked out by a user
lockout code. This user also uses the extended unlock time. It is
defaulted to 10 seconds. See section 3.8 for details.
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IEI recommends that, if you are not using software, you keep a list of all the
users you have programmed in the device, in case you need to modify or delete a
particular user later on.