Section 3: Programming IEI MiniMax 3 Installation/Programming Manual
3.3 Changing the Door Number
Each Max 3 Door Control Module is assigned a door address or door number. The door number is used to identify each unit when
they are networked together. You can network up to 64 Max 3 Door Control Modules together. You must change the door number
when you are using the PC software. The default door number is 1. To change it, follow the instructions below.
Enter Program Mode
99 # master code *
Change the Door Number
43 # 0 # Door Number # * *
Exit Program Mode
3.4 Changing the Main Relay Time
The Main Relay is defaulted to operate for 5 seconds. Command 11 is used to reprogram this time. This time affects standard unlock
users (type 1). If you need to program the Main Relay to toggle, you must program a toggle user. See the user section for details on
user types.
Enter Program Mode
99 # master code *
Change Main Relay Time
11 # unlock time * 0 * (1 to 255 seconds)
Exit Program Mode
3.5 Setting the Time and Date
You must program the time and date into each Door Control Module in order for the timezone and transaction event log features to
work. Follow the instructions below to reprogram the time and date.
Enter Program Mode
99 # master code *
Set the Time
41 # HHMM # 0 # **
(HH = Hours; MM = Minutes)
Time is in 24 hour format.
Set the Date
42 # MMDDYY # DOW # **
(MM = Month; DD = Day; YY = Year; DOW =
Day of Week: 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 =
Tuesday, 4 = Wednesday, 5 = Thursday, 6 = Friday,
7 = Saturday)
Exit Program Mode
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