©2018 Integrated Device Technology, Inc
September 12, 2018
8A3xxxx Family Programming Guide
The following terminology and abbreviations are used in the register tables.
If a bit-field has more than a single bit, the bit-field will be written as BIT_FIELD_NAME[msb:lsb] (e.g.
Binary numbers will be written with a lowercase ‘b’ after them (e.g. 0101b )
Hexadecimal numbers will be written with a lowercase ‘h’ after them (e.g. C480h).
R/W indicates a register is readable and write-able by the user
R/O indicates that a register should only be read by the user. Writing to a R/O register has an undefined effect.
W/O indicates that a register should only be written to by the user. The read value is undefined and has no associated meaning.
RW1C indicates a register that can be read, but a ‘1’ needs to be written to the bit to clear it back to 0. This is generally used for ‘sticky’ status
bits that are latched high whenever a transient condition occurs. The user will need to write to clear the latched status.
N/A means Not Applicable. This is only used for Reserved bit-fields who’s behaviour is not defined.