Innovative Circuit Technology Ltd.
Operating Voltage (either bus): 20VDC to 60VDC, or -20VDC to -60VDC
Current Rating:
100A max, continuous Bus A
100A max, continuous Bus B
20A max, 16A continuous per output
Fuse should normally be operated continuously at no more than
80% of their nominal current rating
Meter Accuracy, Voltage:
Bus voltage re/-1%
Meter Accuracy, Current:
Channel current re/- 3%
Power Consumption:
< 52 W (all outputs disabled)
< 6 W (all outputs enabled)
Alarm Form-C Contacts:
1 output per bus, 1A 60VDC max
Alarm Sensor Inputs:
Five external dry contact alarm inputs,
configurable for NC or NO contacts. Applied
voltage 3.3V, 0.4mA for contact closure detection
10Base-T/100Base-T, RJ45 Connector
SNMP v1/v2c/v3 supported
Network Security:
Password protection, SSL encryption for HTTPS
and SMTP (TLS 1.2)
Input Connector:
Dual ¼-
20 thread studs 0.625” c
-c (50 in-lbs. 5.6
N·m max)
Output Connector:
20 position cage clamp type per bus
10-22AWG, 5.22in-lb
Alarm Connectors:
Removable plug cage clamp type
28 AWG, 1in-lb screw torque
Operating Temperature:
-20°C to +60°C (Derate max bus current by 2% per
degree C above 50°C)