Innovative Circuit Technology Ltd.
The Distribution Panel restarts
: Check this box to receive an e-mail
notification when the panel restarts after a power failure or a soft reset.
Load-Shedding is activated
: Check this box to receive an e-mail notification
when any of the outputs are disabled or enabled due the voltage crossing one
of the load-shed settings configured on the
Output Setup
The Network Watchdog triggers
: Check this box to receive an e-mail
notification after the Network Watchdog triggers due to a loss of the network
connection and the network has comes back online.
Alarm setup
Use this page to configure the set points of alarms to be monitored, and set the
required actions when an alarm is triggered. Click on the
Save Settings
button at
the bottom of the page to save any changes.
Fuse Alarm:
Activate Alarm Form-C Contact
: Check this box to have the bus A alarm
output trigger for any fuse on channel 1A to 10A opening, and have the bus B
alarm output trigger for any fuse on channel 1B to 10B opening.
Send E-mail
: Check this box to cause an e-mail notification to be sent when a
fuse opens on any of the output channels, stating which channel is affected.
Note that the e-mail settings must be fully configured on the
E-mail Setup
page for this to occur.
Alarm Input #1 to #5:
Configure the five Site Monitor inputs to enable the panel to
monitor external contact closure events on door and window sensors, smoke
alarms, etc.;
Alarm Name
: Enter a descriptive name for the external contact being
monitored. This will be used in e-mail and front panel alarm messages.
Contact Type
: Select if the external alarm contact input is to be used, and
what contact type is connected to each input. Choose “Normally Open”
contact, “Normally Closed” contact, or “Not Used”.
Activate Alarm Form-C Contact
: Check this box to have both bus alarm relay
outputs indicate a fault for an alarm condition on that input.
Send E-mail
: Check this box to have an email notification sent when one of the
enabled alarm inputs is triggered, stating which input was affected. Note that