Innovative Circuit Technology Ltd.
E-mail Setup
Configure these settings to enable automatic e-mail notifications directly from
the panel. The information required for this is available from a Network
Administrator, or Internet Service Provider. (ISP)
SMTP Server
: Enter the name or the IP address of the SMTP server used for
sending outgoing e-
mail. (e.g. “smtp.gmail.com”)
: Enter the port used by the SMTP server. (Normally 25)
SMTP Server requires SSL
: Check this box if the SMTP server requires an
encrypted SSL connection.
This box should normally be checked if the SMTP port used by the SMTP
server is 465.
If the SMTP server uses STARTTLS (normally port 587), this box should be
Sender E-mail Address
: Enter an e-mail address that will appear as the sender
for all e-mail notifications sent from the panel.
Recipient E-mail Addresses
: Enter one or more e-mail addresses that are to
receive all e-mail notifications from the panel. Use commas to separate
multiple addresses. This field can also be used to send a text message
notification to a phone; see the
Text Message Alarm Notifications
section for
further information.
SMTP User Name
: Enter an SMTP username here, if required by the SMTP
server. Leave this field blank if the server does not require authentication.
SMTP Password
: Enter an SMTP password here, if required by the SMTP
server. Leave this field blank if the server does not require authentication.
Minimum E-mail Interval
: Specify a minimum interval required between e-
mail notifications. (Default is one minute, range 0 to 60 minutes) This time
interval is used to prevent an un-intended flood of e-mail alarm notifications
that could occur when an alarm limit is incorrectly configured, for example.
General E-mail Notifications
Select these options to receive an e-mail when one or more of these events occurs: