Innovative Circuit Technology Ltd.
Full Device Control:
Allow SNMP clients to set all device settings
through SNMP. MIB files for full SNMP device control can be
downloaded from the ICT Website:
SNMP Contact Information:
Assign contact information, such as an operator name
and phone number for the panel, which can be read via SNMP queries. (This
information is optional)
SNMPv1/v2c Settings:
Read Community:
Enter the community string/password here for read-
only SNMP access. The default read community string is “public”.
Write Community:
Enter the community string/password here for
read/write SNMP access. The default write community string is “write”.
It is recommended to change the community strings before enabling
SNMP, as the defaults are well known.
SNMPv3 Settings:
User Name:
Enter the username for SNMPv3 access.
Authentication Protocol:
Select the SNMPv3 authentication protocol
, or
Authentication Password:
If an authentication protocol is selected, enter
the authentication password.
Privacy Protocol:
Select the SNMPv3 privacy protocol (
, or
Privacy Password:
If a privacy protocol is selected, enter the privacy
SNMP Trap Settings:
Trap Community:
Enter the community string/password that is sent with
all traps. Some trap receivers are able to filter on trap community.
Trap IP Addresses:
Enter the IP addresses for up to two devices that will
receive SNMP traps from the panel.