ICP DAS WISE User Manual
SNMP Setting Page ................................................................. 47
SNMP V3 Setting Page ............................................................ 47
SNMP V3 User Setting Page ................................................... 48
SNMP V3 User Authentication & Encryption Setting Page ....... 48
VPN Setting Page .................................................................... 50
DDNS Setting Page ................................................................. 51
Decimal Place Number Setting Page ....................................... 52
COM Port Interface Setting Page ............................................. 52
COM Port Interface Setting for Modbus RTU Slave ................. 53
COM Port Interface Setting for DCON Master ......................... 53
COM Port Interface Setting for Modbus RTU Master ............... 54
Module Setting Page .................................................................. 56
XV-Board Setting Page .............................................................. 57
XV-Board DI Channel Setting Page ........................................... 58
XV-Board DO Channel Setting Page ......................................... 59
XV-Board AI Channel Setting Page ............................................ 60
XV-Board AO Channel Setting Page .......................................... 61
Remote I-7000/DL Module Setting Page .................................... 62
The “Scan” button to search I-7000/DL Modules ........................ 62
Set up the Scanning Range for the I-7000/DL modules ............. 63
Scanning the I-7000/DL modules ............................................. 63
I-7000/DL module List after Scan operation ............................. 63
Select the actual I-7000/DL modules connected ...................... 64
Set up the No. and Address of the I-7000/DL modules ............ 64
Select the model of the I-7000/DL modules ............................. 64
Add the I-7000/DL Module manually ........................................ 65
I-7000/DL Module List Operation Interface............................... 65
I-7000/DL Module DI Channel Setting page ............................. 66
I-7000/DL Module DO Channel Setting page ........................... 68
I-7000/DL Module AI Channel Setting page ............................. 69
I-7000/DL Module AO Channel Setting page ........................... 70
Remote Modbus RTU Module Setting page ............................. 71
The “Scan” button to search ICP DAS module ......................... 72
Set up the Scanning Range for the ICP DAS module .............. 72
Scanning the ICP DAS module ................................................ 72
The ICP DAS module List after Scan operation ....................... 73
Select the actual ICP DAS modules ......................................... 73
Set up the No. and Address of the Modbus RTU modules ....... 74