ICP DAS WISE User Manual
Enter the sender‟s email address in the “Sender Email Address” field.
In the “Receiver Email Address” section, click on “Add” to add the
receiver‟s email address. At least one email address has to be entered.
The number of the receiver's email addresses is unlimited.
Figure 9-13
Email setting page
(Email Address)
After complete Email Address setting, continue to input Email Content
setting. Enter the email subject in the “Subject” field. The Email
Content Setting page is shown as below:
Figure 9-14
Email setting page
(Email Content)
Enter the content in the “Content” section. In addition, it provides
encoded strings for users to add current I/O channel value or Internal
Register value into the Email content. To make it easy to add the
encoded string, WISE provides “Real-time variable editor”. Please
refer to "
“ for more detailed information
of the “Real-time variable editor”.
To verify whether your email setting is correct to send the Email, click