ICP DAS WISE User Manual
The returned value will be shown in the JSON format. In the above example, the
value of Internal Register 1 is 2.3. It is located in “value” section of the “result”
CGI Query Authentication
After enabling the CGI Query Authentication in the Security Setting section, two
extra parameters - “id” and “password” have to be added to the CGI command.
The value of “id” is for the user account, and the value of “password” is for the
password. The following is an example to enable the CGI Query Authentication.
In this example, “icpdas” is the user account, “wise” is the password. If the user
account or password is in error status, then the system will return the following
status message.
"status": "PASSWORD_ERROR"
JSONP Supported
If user wants to enable the JSONP, he/she can add an extra parameter “callback” to
the original CGI command, and then assign the value of the “callback” parameter
to the function which is used to receive the returned values. The following is an
example to enable the JSONP.
In this example, the function named “foo” is used to receive the returned values.
The returned values are as below.
"status": "OK",
"result": {
"value": 2.3