the movements the extruder will perform without extrusion, the blue lines are
movements with extrusion.
After slicing the object you can print it. Before printing the device will home all the axis
and the extruder and print bed will start heating up. Once this process is completed
(this can take up to 10 minutes) the printer will start printing your object.
Printing the object can take quite a while, in the status bar of Repetier Host 0.95 you
can find an estimate of the time that will be needed to print the object. The time largely
depends upon the settings in Slic3r and the size of the object.
Tip : The first few layers are crucial to the outcome of the entire print. If you notice that
the extrusion is not sticking to the bed or has let go after a few layers, you will have to
stop printing and prepare your printbed again. Clean the bed, degrease it and replace
any damaged kapton tape.
Stand-alone mode
In stand-alone printer no computer is needed while printing. The gcode file is placed on
a TF card (Micro SD) in the SD card slot on the controller board. If the printer doesn't
have the optional M2 LCD control unit you have to send the print command from the
computer (open source Printrun software is needed) and then disconnect.
Power the printer by plugging in the power plug.
Connect the printer to a computer with a micro USB cable.
Start Printrun or any other printing program
Click “Connect” and wait until you see “Printer is now online”
Click “Load file” and choose the Gcode file you created in Slic3r or any other
slicing program.
Click “Print”
10. Please keep an eye on the printer during the whole printing process and stop
the printer if unexpected behavior occurs.
Manual – ICARUS 3D M2 – 2014 -
Please keep an eye on the printer during the whole printing process and stop
the printer if unexpected behavior occurs.