Rev A2, Page 22/51
Configuration Address Range and Bank Selection
Configuration and other data can be transferred from
and to iC-PVS by register communication via one of
the available digital interfaces (BiSS, SPI, I
C). A 7 bit
register addressing scheme is used, thus an address
range from 0x00 to 0x7F is available. Every address
stores 8 bit of data.
To extend the range of addressable memory, also in
conjunction with an EEPROM, a bank switching tech-
nique is used. The register addresses in the range of
0x40...0x7F are static and called direct access regis-
ter. They are not affected by the bank switching and
internally always mapped to the same address range.
The register addresses 0x00-0x3F are dynamic and
mapped to switchable address ranges called banks.
The bank-selection register BSEL determines the ac-
tive bank.
Addr. 0x40; bit 7:0
reset: 0x00
Selection of the active bank for register
communication on addresses 0x00-0x3F
Table 4: Bank selection
On pages 14 to 16 the organization of the on-chip con-
figuration banks and the direct access registers are
specified in two separate register tables. The func-
tionality of the individual configuration parameters is
described in detail in the subsequent chapters.
Pins SCL and SDA form an interface to read and write
an external EEPROM according to the I
C protocol. For
proper usage of iC-PVS, an external I2C-EEPROM with
the following characteristics is required:
EEPROM device requirements
EEPROM Device Requirements
Supply Voltage
2.5 V to 5.5 V
Power-On Threshold
< 2.9 V (due to Elec.Char. 405)
11 bit address max.
Device Address
0x50 (’1010 000’ w/o R/W bit)
Page Buffer
Not required
Size Min.
1 Kbit (128x8 bit), type 24C01,
for configuration data
Size Max.
16 Kbit (8x 256x8 bit), type 24C16
Size limited due to 11-bit slave
Table 5: EEPROM Device Requirements
EEPROMs which consider block selection
bits as don’t care should not be used. Please
check the EEPROM specification in this re-
Be aware of potential conflicts: If a user
addresses memory beyond the 2 kbit range,
iC-PVS configuration data will be overwritten.
If further I2C slave devices are operated on
the same bus, higher device addresses may
be occupied. RPL (register protection level)
may be passed over.
The address space of the attached EEPROM is divided
into individual sections. The first section is used by
iC-PVS to store the configuration data. The second sec-
tion may be used by an optional external interpolator
device. The third section can be used for EDS or user
data. The configuration data section is managed solely
by iC-PVS, whereas the other sections are mapped to
the individual banks.
The configuration data is secured by an 8-bit CRC
checksum for each bank. At the initial startup, the data
is read in. If the CRC checksum is correct, the data is
used. Otherwise the iC-PVS behaves as described in
chapter Device Operating States (page 19).
After changing the configuration data in the RAM, the
settings can be stored non-volatile in the EEPROM
configuration data section. For this, the configuration
can be written to the EEPROM by command execution
from any serial interface. Refer to chapter Commands
(page 46) for details on how to execute commands.
All configuration banks are read/written from/to the