Figure 111- System Setup Screen
This screen is used to set basic system
information about the Protocol units and
Condenser control information.
10.9.6 Suction Group/Compressor Setup
The Suction Group/Compressor Setup screen is
used to enter the setpoints associated with the
Suction Groups, the Discharge Pressure Alarm
and the Compressor information. The Suction
Group/Compressor Setup screen in shown in
Figure 112. A graph of the pressures can be
viewed by pressing the “Graph” button in this
Figure 112- Suction Group/Compressor Setup
A graph of the suction and discharge pressures
can be obtained by clicking on the “Graph”
button. Figure 113 shows the pressure graph.
Figure 113- Pressure Graph
10.9.7 Aux Control and Temperature Monitor
The Aux Control and Temperature Monitoring
Setup screen is used to 1) display the
temperature monitoring points, 2) change the
setpoints associated with the temperature
monitoring points, 3) see the status of the Aux
control output and 4) Change the setpoints of
the Aux Control output. The screen is shown in
Figure 114.
Figure 114- Supervisory Temperature Monitor
and Aux Control Screen
10.9.8 Light Ckt
The Lighting Circuit screen is used to see the
status and enter the setpoints for a lighting
circuit. The screen for Lighting Circuit 1 is
shown in Figure 115.
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