Figure 101- Add New User Screen Scheduler & Alarm Priorities
The scheduler allows the user to configure the
way various events are handled by the
supervisory system. Click the Scheduler button
on the left hand menu tab to enter the Scheduler
configuration screen shown in Figure 102.
Figure 102- Scheduler Configuration Screen
In the scheduler configuration screen, there are
3 alarm handling schedules that can be setup as
well as alarm priority and configuration.
There are 3 alarm schedules. Each schedule an
action is defined (i.e. Fax the alarm, dial out to a
remote PlantVisor, Send email, Print etc.). Note
that Send SMS message is not supported. Set
the appropriate information for the alarm
schedule. To configure the Scheduler to dial an
alarm, check to box labeled “Fax To”, then fill
in the telephone number (including any digits
needed to get an outside line) of the fax
machine that will be dialed if an alarm occurs.
The “Send SMS” box should not be checked.
Near the bottom of the page is a schedule
showing the days of the week and the hours in
the day. A check mark in the box signifies that
the schedule is active at that particular time.
This feature can be used to have different alarm
handling during the evening or on weekends. A
Alarm schedule would be setup with the new
configuration information and the active times
selected for the 2
schedule. Note that the
appropriate Fax information must be set for
each alarm schedule.
Note that you must press the Save button after
each schedule is configured.
After the schedules have been setup, the alarm
priorities can be set up. Click the “Alarm
Priority” button in the Scheduler Configuration
screen to access the Alarm Priority screen
(shown is Figure 103). There are 2 priorities,
LOW and HIGH and each can have it’s own
alarm delay time. Set the appropriate delay
times by entering the minutes to delay before
alarming and taking the action as defined in the
Scheduler Configuration screen.
Figure 103- Alarm Priorities Screen
After the delays have been set, you will need to
configure the individual alarms from the PCS
controller as High or Low priority. To do this
access the Hussmann Protocol Controller device
type which will be shown below the delay
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