Attach the Universal Cord Tensioner — EasyRise
Shades Only
Before you proceed, you must first slide the cord tensioner(s) to the bottom of the cord loop.
Insert a small screwdriver, punch, or awl through the screw hole at the bottom
of the cord tensioner.
Move the screw hole down to the indicator line to release the safety
Slide the cord tensioner down to the bottom of the cord loop.
Attach the cord tensioner(s) according to the instructions
provided with the
Universal Cord Tensioner Installation Kit
It is imperative that the cord tensioner(s) be properly secured to
the wall or window frame to reduce children’s access to the cord loop.
Young children can strangle in cord loops. They can also wrap cords around
their necks and strangle.
The shade will not operate properly unless the cord tensioner(s)
is secured. A
Universal Cord Tensioner Installation Kit
has been included
with your shade. Follow the instructions in the kit to correctly secure the
cord tensioner(s).
Cord Adjustment — UltraGlide
Shades Only
Adjusting the tassel to eye level will decrease the amount of pulls needed to raise and lower
the shade. This will also enhance child and pet safety.
To Shorten the Tassel Cord
Grasp both parts of the tassel (the colored cover and the
frosted body).
Squeeze the tassel cover with your thumb and forefinger
(at the “s” in the Hunter Douglas logo).
Separate and slide the tassel cover off from the tassel body.
Pull out the knotted end of the tassel cord.
Tie the cord at the desired shorter length using a double knot.
Trim the tassel cord below the knot.
Pull the trimmed knot up inside the tassel.
Squeeze the tassel cover while sliding it back onto the tassel body.
After reassembling, be sure there are no gaps between the two components.
Check that they do not pull apart easily. The tassel cover should be securely seated into the
tassel body.