Check the Security Status of Your Device
Your phone will display the security status of this device and devices connected via Super
Device, and logged in to the same HUAWEI ID as well. You can also view security tips and
records for all of these devices.
This feature is currently supported on phones and tablets running EMUI 13.0 or later.
More devices will be supported in the future.
Go to Settings > Security. Your phone will display the security status of this device and
devices connected via Super Device, and logged in to the same HUAWEI ID as well.
A green sign indicates that your device is in good condition. A yellow sign indicates that your
device has security risks. A red sign indicates that your device is at high risk, and should be
optimized as soon as possible.
Touch this device, to do the following:
View and set security features: This device will display its current security status. You can
touch specific features to set or apply them. For example, you can touch Lock screen
password, and follow the onscreen instructions to set it.
View security suggestions: This device will provide you with security suggestions based on
the device settings. Feel free to touch the button next to each suggestion, and follow the
onscreen instructions to optimize your safeguards.
View recent security records: You can find your recent security records in a list, for a
better sense of how to protect your device.
Touch a connected device to view its security status. If you would like to modify the settings,
follow the onscreen instructions on the corresponding device.
Set Security Features for Your Phone
Go to Settings > Security, touch the features you wish to set, such as App Lock and
Password Vault, and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.
View Security Suggestions on Your Phone
Feel free to view the recommended safeguards on your phone, and apply them on a case-by-
case basis.
To do so, go to Settings > Security, and touch the switch next to the suggestion you wish to
optimize, or follow the onscreen instructions to go to the corresponding screen and optimize
the settings.
If you wish to ignore a suggestion, swipe left on the suggestion, and touch