show ip igmp statistics
Example output
show ip igmp statistics
is common for both IGMPv2 and IGMPv3. Output for the
“EXCLUDE” and “INCLUDE” columns is displayed as “NA” if the version configured is IGMPv2 (as
shown in the following example).
switch# show ip igmp statistics
IGMP Service Statistics
Total VLANs with IGMP enabled : 1
Current count of multicast groups joined : 2
IGMP Joined Groups Statistics
VLAN ID VLAN Name Total Filtered Standard Static EXCLUDE INCLUDE
------- -------------------------------- ------ -------- -------- ------ --------- ---------
1 DEFAULT_VLAN 2 2 0 0 1 1
show ip igmp vlan config
This command is used to show the IGMP configuration for a VLAN.
show ip igmp vlan (vid) config
Example output
Below is the output when version is set to 3.
switch(vlan-60)# show ip igmp vlan 60 config
IGMP Service VLAN Config
VLAN ID : 60
IGMP Enabled [No] : Yes
Querier Allowed [Yes] : No
IGMP Version [2] : 3
Strict Mode : No
Last Member Query Interval (Seconds) [1] : 1
Querier Interval [125] : 125
Query Max. Response Time (Seconds) [10] : 10
Robustness Count [2] : 2
Port Type | Port Mode Forced Fast Leave Fast Leave
------- ---------- + --------- ----------------- ----------
1 1000T | Auto No Yes
2 1000T | Auto No Yes
23 1000T | Auto No Yes
show ip igmp config
This command is used to show the global IGMP configuration.
Aruba 3810 / 5400R Multicast and Routing Guide for ArubaOS-
Switch 16.08