Listing data for an active multicast group
show ip mroute [
Lists data for the specified multicast flow (single-group pair.)
Data output list
Group address
The multicast group IP address for the specific flow.
Source address
The source IP address for the specific flow.
Lists the IP address of the upstream next-hop router running PIM-SM; that is, the router from which the router
is receiving datagrams for the current multicast group. This value is
if the router has not detected
the upstream next-hop router's IP address. This field is empty if the multicast server is directly connected to
the router.
The interface on which the router received the multicast flow.
Up time (sec)
The elapsed time in seconds since the router learned the information for the current instance of the indicated
multicast flow. Note that on an
router when a forwarding flow moves to a non-forwarding state (i.e.
when pruned) the Up time value for that flow is reset to 0.
Expire Time (sec)
An mroute which is in a forwarding state — one which represents an active, connected flow for which there
are downstream routers and/or locally connected hosts interested in the flow — does not expire. When other
PIM-SM routers or locally connected hosts are no longer interested in an active flow, the related mroute on a
DR moves to a blocking state, and an mroute in this state does not expire either. In both cases the mroute is
only removed from the system when it is no longer needed and so the displayed value for expire time in these
situations is not meaningful.
For an mroute on a DR router whose flow is no longer active — including mroutes on non-DR routers whose
flow has been pruned — expire time indicates when the mroute entry will eventually be cleared.
Note that flows that are registered with an RP router but are not connected downstream (one for which there
is no entry displayed in the neighbor field on the RP) will also have an mroute entry that does not expire.
Multicast routing protocol
Identifies the IP multicast routing protocol through which the current flow was learned.
Unicast routing protocol
Identifies the IP routing protocol through which the router learned the upstream interface for the current
multicast flow. The listed protocol will be one of connected,
Indicates the path cost upstream to the multicast source. Used when multiple multicast routers contend to
determine the best path to the multicast source. The lower the value, the better the path.
Aruba 3810 / 5400R Multicast and Routing Guide for ArubaOS-
Switch 16.08