background image

However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have
their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.


You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else
grants you permission to modify or distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions
are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the
Library (or any work based on the Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do
so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Library or works
based on it.


Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the Library), the recipient
automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify
the Library subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on
the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing
compliance by third parties with this License.


If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other
reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order,
agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you
from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your
obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free
redistribution of the Library by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you,
then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from
distribution of the Library.

If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance,
the balance of the section is intended to apply, and the section as a whole is intended to apply in
other circumstances.

It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right
claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting
the integrity of the free software distribution system which is implemented by public license
practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software
distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the
author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and
a licensee cannot impose that choice.

This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the
rest of this License.


If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by
copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Library under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that
distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License
incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License.


The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the Lesser General
Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present
version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.

Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library specifies a version number
of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the
terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Library does not specify a license version number, you may choose any
version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.

206 Appendix D   Open source licensing statements


Содержание Jetdirect 640n

Страница 1: ...HP Jetdirect Print Servers Administrator s Guide J8025A 640n J8024A 695n HP Jetdirect Firmware V 45 ...

Страница 2: ......

Страница 3: ...HP Jetdirect Print Servers Administrator s Guide Firmware V 45 xx nn ...

Страница 4: ...uting an additional warranty HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein Edition 12 10 2012 Trademark Credits Microsoft Windows Windows Server Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows Vista and Windows XP are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and or other countries NetWare and Novell are registered trademarks of N...

Страница 5: ...uct registration 6 Product accessibility 6 2 HP software solutions summary 7 HP Install Network Printer Wizard Microsoft Windows 8 Requirements 9 HP Jetdirect Printer Installer for UNIX 9 HP Web Jetadmin 9 System requirements 9 Install HP Web Jetadmin software 10 Verify HP Web Jetadmin installation and provide access 10 Configure and modify a device 10 Remove HP Web Jetadmin software 10 Internet P...

Страница 6: ...vior 21 TCP IP configuration tools 21 Use BOOTP TFTP IPv4 22 Advantages of using BOOTP TFTP 22 Configure the print server using BOOTP TFTP on UNIX 22 Use DHCP IPv4 36 UNIX systems 36 Microsoft Windows systems 37 Discontinue DHCP configuration 37 Use RARP IPv4 37 Use the arp and ping commands IPv4 38 Use Telnet IPv4 39 Create a Telnet connection 40 A typical Telnet session 40 Telnet user interface ...

Страница 7: ...ings 81 IPX SPX 81 AppleTalk 82 DLC LLC 83 SNMP 83 Other Settings 85 Misc Settings 85 Firmware Upgrade 87 LPD Queues 87 Support Info 90 Refresh Rate 90 Select Language 90 Security Settings 90 Status 90 Wizard 90 Restore Defaults 92 Authorization 93 Admin Account 93 Certificates 93 Configure certificates 94 Access Control 97 Mgmt Protocols 98 Web Mgmt 98 SNMP 98 SNMP v3 98 Other 99 802 1X Authentic...

Страница 8: ...13 Create IPsec Template 114 IPsec Protocols Manual Keys 118 Rule Summary 120 Configure Microsoft Windows systems 120 6 Security features V 45 xx nn xx 121 Limit access to security features 124 7 Troubleshoot the HP Jetdirect print server 125 Reset to factory defaults 126 Example Cold reset using the service menu 126 Disable an HP Jetdirect embedded print server V 45 xx nn xx 128 General troublesh...

Страница 9: ...age 159 Security settings 160 IPsec Error Log 162 Local IP addresses 162 IPsec Statistics 162 IKE Stats 163 IPsec Rules 163 IPsec Security Associations SA table 164 Available Network Services 164 Appendix A LPD printing 165 About LPD 166 Requirements for configuring LPD 166 LPD setup overview 167 Step 1 Set up IP parameters 167 Step 2 Set up print queues 167 Step 3 Print a test file 167 LPD on UNI...

Страница 10: ...s 175 Use FTP printing 175 FTP connections 175 Control connection 175 Data connection 176 FTP login 176 End the FTP session 177 Commands 177 Example FTP Session 178 Appendix C HP Jetdirect control panel menus V 45 xx nn xx 179 Graphical control panel menus 180 Classic control panel EIO menus 189 Appendix D Open source licensing statements 193 gSOAP 193 Expat XML Parser 194 cURL 195 GNU General Pub...

Страница 11: ...less otherwise specified the term print server refers to an HP Jetdirect print server and not a separate computer running print server software Supported print servers The following table lists the supported HP Jetdirect print server features and capabilities discussed in this manual Table 1 1 Supported HP Jetdirect print server features and capabilities Model Product Number Printer Connect Networ...

Страница 12: ...2 HP MPE iX2 RedHat Linux2 SuSE Linux2 Line printing daemon LPR LPD RFC 1179 compliant systems2 Internet printing protocol IPP File transfer protocol FTP printing J8024A 695nw and J8025A 640n TCP IPv6 Microsoft Windows XP 32 and 64 bit Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2012 Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Requires HP IPv6 IPv4 port monitor software running on the system LPR ...

Страница 13: ...rk The IEEE 802 1X standard provides a port based authentication protocol where a network port allows or blocks use depending on client authentication results When using an 802 1X connection the print server supports EAP with an authentication server such as a remote authentication dial in user service RADIUS RFC 2138 server Full featured HP Jetdirect print servers support the following EAP 802 1X...

Страница 14: ...questing network use There are several available protocols IPsec Firewall IPsec Firewall features provide network layer security on both IPv4 and IPv6 networks A firewall provides simple control of IP traffic which is either permitted access or discarded IPsec RFC 2401 provides additional protection through authentication and encryption protocols The IPsec Firewall capabilities depend on the HP Je...

Страница 15: ...ation about supported systems visit HP Web Jetadmin at www hp com go webjetadmin HP Embedded Web Server Provides a firmware upgrade option It is resident on the print server and is accessible using a Web browser For more information see HP Embedded Web Server V 45 xx nn xx on page 63 FTP Transfer a firmware upgrade image file to the print server To start an FTP session use the device IP address or...

Страница 16: ...current rates Product registration To register your HP Jetdirect print server use the following HP Web page www hp com go jetdirect_register Product accessibility For information on HP s commitment to accessibility of HP Jetdirect print server products Visit the HP Web site at www hp com accessibility Send email to accessibility hp com 6 Chapter 1 Introducing the HP Jetdirect print server ENWW ...

Страница 17: ...ery setup and installation on a TCP IP network Once the printer is connected to your network you can install or add a single network printer on your system for direct mode peer to peer printing For a network server you can share the printer for client server shared printing Simple printer setup and installation You can download and install a version that runs from your hard disk from the HP Web si...

Страница 18: ...and overnight services Requires HP Jetdirect print server firmware version x 20 00 or later 1 Supports queue creation and peripheral management from HP Web Jetadmin hosted on a supported system HP Install Network Printer Wizard Microsoft Windows The HP Install Network Printer Wizard is a utility for printer discovery setup and installation on a TCP IP network On Microsoft Windows XP Server 2003 an...

Страница 19: ...and installation information see the documentation provided with the software HP Web Jetadmin HP Web Jetadmin is an enterprise management tool for remotely installing configuring and managing a wide variety of HP and non HP network printing devices using a standard Web browser Use HP Web Jetadmin to proactively manage both individual or groups of devices HP Web Jetadmin supports devices that conta...

Страница 20: systemname domain port Configure and modify a device Using your browser navigate to HP Web Jetadmin s URL For example http systemname domain port NOTE In place of systemname domain you can use the IPv4 address of the host computer on which HP Web Jetadmin is installed Follow the instructions on the appropriate home page to find and manage your printer Remove HP Web Jetadmin software To remove H...

Страница 21: ...ndows XP IPP client software use the following steps 1 Click Start and then click Printers and Faxes 2 Run the Add Printer wizard click Add a printer and then click Next 3 Select the option for a Network printer and then click Next 4 Select Connect to a printer on the Internet and enter the print server s URL as in the following example http IP_address ipp port In the example IP_address is the IPv...

Страница 22: ...jour Mac OS X v10 4 HP Jetdirect print servers support Bonjour formerly known as Rendezvous technology for printer discovery and installation over a TCP IP network NOTE The printer must be on the same network segment and not across a router The Network Port Configurations setting must have the appropriate network port enabled for example Built in Ethernet is active and be listed at the top of the ...

Страница 23: ...r use the HP Embedded Web Server and view the Networking tab settings When printing a configuration page make sure a READY message appears on the control panel for at least 1 minute before printing the page For information on the contents of the configuration page see HP Jetdirect configuration pages on page 139 Test the configuration 1 Open Safari and display a page 2 Click the Safari File menu a...

Страница 24: ...14 Chapter 2 HP software solutions summary ENWW ...

Страница 25: ...outers In addition it supports remote configuration and management from a Web browser over HTTP or HTTPS Local configuration of basic IPv6 parameters is available through the printer control panel if supported by the printer MFP device IPv6 address introduction An IPv6 address consists of 128 bits The normal format of an IPv6 address is eight fields each separated by a colon Each field contains fo...

Страница 26: ...ddresses are automatically configured in accordance with the IPv6 standards If necessary the print server allows manual entry of an IPv6 address by using the printer control panel or the HP Embedded Web Server If the print server is enabled for IPv6 operation all automatically configured IPv6 addresses are active However by default manually configured addresses are disabled and must be manually en...

Страница 27: ...erver to use Under router control Use DHCPv6 stateful configuration when requested by the router Stateless configuration fails or is disabled Use DHCPv6 stateful configuration if stateless configuration fails or is disabled Always use DHCPv6 On startup always use DHCPv6 for stateful configuration Stateful configuration is useful when host configuration beyond that provided by a router is necessary...

Страница 28: ... a route to the remote host address IPv6 addresses as URL An IPv6 address in a URL must be enclosed in brackets The following is an example using the HP Embedded Web Server on the HP Jetdirect print server http fe80 20e 7fff fee8 1dd In the example fe80 20e 7fff fee8 1dd is the IPv6 address of the print server NOTE The browser must support direct IPv6 addressing as a URL For detailed information o...

Страница 29: ...epends on the network to which the print server is connected The print server senses broadcast packets on the network to determine the appropriate default IP settings using the following methods On small private networks that adhere to automated standards based IP address assignments the print server uses a link local addressing technique to assign a unique IP address Link local addressing is limi...

Страница 30: ...efault IPv4 address configuration options Default IPv4 parameter A default IP configuration parameter on the print server controls how the default IPv4 address is assigned Whenever the print server is unable to obtain an IP address during a forced TCP IP reconfiguration for example when manually configured to use BOOTP or DHCP this parameter determines the default IPv4 address to use When the prin...

Страница 31: ... DHCP For more information see Use DHCP IPv4 on page 36 NOTE For more information about Linux and UNIX systems see the bootpd man page On HP UX systems a sample DHCP configuration file dhcptab might be located in the etc directory Because HP UX does not currently provide dynamic domain name system DDNS services for its DHCP implementations HP recommends that you set all print server lease duration...

Страница 32: ...ever Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 systems might require third party software for TFTP support For setup of NetWare BOOTP servers see the NetWare documentation NOTE If the HP Jetdirect print server and BOOTP DHCP server are located on different subnets IPv4 configuration might fail unless the routing device supports BOOTP Relay which allows the transfer of BOOTP requests be...

Страница 33: ...3 The BOOTP reply can contain the name of a configuration file that stores enhanced configuration parameters If the HP Jetdirect print server finds such a file it uses TFTP to download the file and configure itself using the parameters For a description of the entries see TFTP configuration file entries IPv4 on page 25 Configuration parameters retrieved through TFTP are optional NOTE HP recommends...

Страница 34: ...When present in the file causes the BOOTP daemon to download the host name to the HP Jetdirect print server The host name is printed on the HP Jetdirect configuration page or returned on an SNMP sysName request by a network application dn 15 Domain name Specify the domain name for the HP Jetdirect print server for example support hp com It does not include the host name and is not the FQDN such as...

Страница 35: ...he following example Port Number Option Port Number For supported HP Jetdirect print servers the default port number is 1 Option Set to 0 default to disable interlock or 1 to enable For example setting this to 1 1 specifies port number 1 and enables interlock T150 TFTP server s IP address HP proprietary Specify the IP address of the TFTP server where the TFTP configuration file is located T151 Net...

Страница 36: ...NMP authentication traps trap dest IP address of the system to send SNMP traps to set cmnt name Community name required in SNMP Set commands This table describes the TFTP command parameters supported by HP Jetdirect print servers Optional commands for the same function are shown in parentheses Table 3 2 TFTP configuration file parameters General passwd or passwd admin Administrator s password to c...

Страница 37: ...d BOOTP requests on the network for dynamic IP configuration dhcp Send DHCP requests on the network for dynamic IP configuration auto_ip Automatically configure with a unique link local address 169 254 x x ipsec config The ipsec config command is available on print servers that support both IPsec and Firewall configuration The firewall config command is available on full featured print servers tha...

Страница 38: ...P address back to the DHCP IP address pool Config Server Read only IP address of the server such as a BOOTP or DHCP server that last configured the IP address on the HP Jetdirect print server tftp server Read only IP address of the TFTP server that provided parameters to the HP Jetdirect print server tftp filename Read only Path and TFTP filename on the TFTP server For example hpnp printer1 cfg pa...

Страница 39: ... queues by other tools can cause unpredictable results defaultq Set the queue name to use when the specified queue for a print job is unknown The default queue name is AUTO addstring Specify a user defined character string to prepend or append to print data You can add up to eight character strings Specify the string name and the character string in the addstring command line interlock or interloc...

Страница 40: 121 TCP IP Other Settings syslog config Allow syslog server operation on the print server 0 Disable 1 default Enable syslog svr or syslog srv IP address of the server that the HP Jetdirect print server sends syslog messages to syslog max Maximum number of syslog messages sent by the HP Jetdirect print server on a per minute basis Allows administrators to control the log file size 0 No restricti...

Страница 41: ...s Bonjour is typically used for IP address and name resolution through UDP port 5353 where a conventional DNS server is neither used or available 0 Disable 1 default Enable bonjour svc name Bonjour service name This name is persistent and is used to resolve a particular device or service if socket information such as the IP address changes from session to session Apple Bonjour displays this servic...

Страница 42: ...PX or AppleTalk are not affected 0 Disable Retain TCP IP settings after a cold reset 1 Enable Restore factory default TCP IP settings icmp ts config ICMPv4 time stamp requests 0 default Disable 1 Enable ews config or web Allow use of the HP Embedded Web Server on the print server 0 Disable 1 default Enable tcp mss or subnets local Maximum segment size MSS that the HP Jetdirect print server adverti...

Страница 43: ...nfig SNMP operation on the print server 0 Disable 1 default Enable SNMP operation CAUTION Disabling SNMP disables all SNMP agents SNMP v1 v2 v3 communication with HP Web Jetadmin and firmware upgrades using HP downloading utilities get cmnty name or get community name Optional Password to determine which SNMP GetRequests the HP Jetdirect print server responds to If a Get community name is set the ...

Страница 44: ...twork protocols except TCP IP are disabled ipx unit name Name assigned to the print server By default the name is NPIxxxxxx where xxxxxx are the last six digits of the LAN hardware address Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters ipx frametype IPX frame type setting available for your print server model Set to AUTO default EN_SNAP EN_8022 EN_8023 EN_II ipx sapinterval Time in seconds that the HP Jet...

Страница 45: ...ALF is set depending on the detected link speed of the hub switch port A 1000T half duplex selection is not supported upgrade Set the name and location of a firmware upgrade file for the HP Jetdirect print servers CAUTION Ensure that command parameters are properly entered Verify that the upgrade file is a higher version than the currently installed version The print server attempts to upgrade whe...

Страница 46: ...echnical support over the Internet or an intranet Use DHCP IPv4 DHCP RFC 2131 2132 is one of several automatic configuration mechanisms that the HP Jetdirect print server uses If you have a DHCP server on your network the HP Jetdirect print server automatically obtains its IP address from that server and registers its name with any RFC 1001 and 1002 compliant dynamic name services if a WINS server...

Страница 47: ...ferent method by selecting one of the following 1 For IPv4 configured print servers use the printer control panel to set Manual or BOOTP configuration Once set DHCP is not used 2 Use Telnet to set Manual status is User Specified or BOOTP configuration Once set DHCP is not used 3 Modify the TCP IP parameters using the HP Embedded Web Server or HP Web Jetadmin If you change to BOOTP configuration th...

Страница 48: ...1 7 Edit the etc ethers file etc rarpd conf file in HP UX 10 20 to add the LAN hardware address station address from the configuration page and the node name for the HP Jetdirect print server as in the following example 00 01 E6 a8 b0 00 laserjet1 NOTE If your system uses Network Information Service NIS you need to incorporate changes to the NIS host and ethers databases 8 Turn the printer on 9 Ve...

Страница 49: ...command writes the entries to the arp cache on the workstation The ping command configures the IP address on the print server The LAN hardware address can require a specific format as in the following examples Microsoft Windows XP Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 arp s 192 168 45 39 00 01 E6 a2 31 98 ping 192 168 45 39 For UNIX arp s 192 168 45 39 00 01 E6 a2 31 98 ping 192 168 45 39 NOT...

Страница 50: ...ts in a static configuration where IP values are fixed This might prevent BOOTP DHCP or RARP from functioning correctly When manually changing an IP address you should also re configure the subnet mask and the default gateway On Microsoft Windows systems you can use the route command at a Windows command DOS prompt to create a route to the print server For information about system command prompts ...

Страница 51: ...e or password If an administrator password is set enter the user name and password Otherwise you cannot enter or save Telnet settings 4 By default a command line interface is provided To set parameters using a menu interface enter Menu For more information see Telnet user interface options on page 41 For a list of supported commands and parameters see Table 3 3 Telnet Commands and Parameters on pa...

Страница 52: ...ommands and parameters Table 3 3 Telnet Commands and Parameters on page 42 lists the available Telnet commands and parameters NOTE If a parameter is dynamically provided by a BOOTP or DHCP server you cannot change its value unless you set Manual configuration See the ip config command When you manually set an IP address you should also re set the subnet mask and default gateway Table 3 3 Telnet Co...

Страница 53: ...Do not reset 1 Reset Wireless 802 11 Main Wireless Mode 802 11 wireless mode B G_MODE Use 802 11b or g B G N_MODE default Use 802 11b g or n Guard Interval The space between transmitted symbols characters Can eliminate inter symbol interference ISI which occurs when echoes or reflections from one symbol interfere with another A long interval can reduce echoes but decrease the data rate A short int...

Страница 54: ...cation if your wireless network does not require authentication for network use However your network might use WEP encryption keys for data security Shared_Key Use shared key authentication if your network requires that each device be configured with the same secret WEP key for network use Selecting Shared_Key is not valid with the wpa auth type command when setting WPA PSK authentication server a...

Страница 55: ...its or alphanumeric ASCII characters Alternatively you can insert an optional parameter ASCII or HEX after the key position as in the following example wep key 1 ASCII 0123456789net In the example Key 1 is assigned a 128 bit WEP key specified by the alphanumeric ASCII characters 0123456789net When assigning static WEP keys ensure that key positions and key values match other wireless devices on th...

Страница 56: signal detected on any channel Poor Marginal Good Excellent Detected signal strength level Access Point Mac Read only parameter The media access control MAC address of the access point used for Infrastructure mode communications as in the following example 00 a0 f8 38 7a f7 In this example the access point with MAC address 00a0f8387af7 is used for communicating on the network TCP IP Main llm...

Страница 57: ...ple 255 255 255 0 is stored on the print server To clear the subnet IP address and disable the mask set the value to 0 0 0 0 NOTE If the HP Jetdirect print server is configured by DHCP and you manually change the subnet mask or the default gateway address you should also change the print server s IP address This releases the assigned DHCP address back to the DHCP IP address pool default gw IP addr...

Страница 58: ...s svr IP address of the primary WINS server sec wins svr IP address of the secondary WINS server TCP IP Print Options 9100 printing Print to TCP port 9100 on the print server 0 Disable 1 default Enable ftp printing Print through FTP TCP ports 20 21 0 Disable 1 default Enable ws printing Print through WS 0 default Disable 1 Enable ipp printing print using IPP TCP port 631 0 Disable 1 default Enable...

Страница 59: ...s TCP IP LPD Queues addq Add a user defined queue Specify the queue name prepend string name append string name and the processing queue typically RAW in the command line Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters Add up to six user defined queues CAUTION Do not use lowercase and uppercase characters to differentiate queue names Management of LPD queues by other tools can cause unpredictable results d...

Страница 60: ... server sends syslog messages to For example syslog svr 192 168 40 1 syslog max Maximum number of syslog messages the HP Jetdirect print server can send per minute 0 Disable The number of syslog messages is not restricted 10 default Enable syslog priority Filter syslog messages sent to the syslog server The filter range is from 0 to 7 with 0 being the most specific and 7 the most general Only mess...

Страница 61: ...r is 514 bonjour config Use Bonjour Previously listed as multicast domain name system mDNS services Bonjour is typically used for IP address and name resolution through UDP port 5353 where a conventional DNS server is not available 0 Disable 1 default Enable To use Bonjour operation you must enable multicast IPv4 ipv4 multicast bonjour svc name Bonjour service name This name is persistent and is u...

Страница 62: ...s The default value is 4 hops the number of routers from the local network Set from 1 to 15 hops 1 Disable 4 default Enable multicast TTL ipv4 multicast Receive and transmit IP version 4 multicast packets by the print server 0 Disable 1 default Enable NOTE If disabled other protocols that use multicast protocols such as Bonjour and SLP might also be disabled without notification idle timeout Secon...

Страница 63: ... networks are assumed to be local Ethernet MSS 1460 bytes or more 1 Use MSS 1460 bytes or more for subnets and MSS 536 bytes for remote networks 2 All networks are assumed to be remote MSS 536 bytes except the local subnet MSS affects performance by preventing IP fragmentation that can result in data retransmission tcp msl Maximum segment life MSL in seconds Set from 5 to 120 seconds 0 Disable 15 ...

Страница 64: ... s IP address was configured TCP Conns Refused Read only parameter Number of client TCP connections that are refused by the print server TCP Access Denied Read only parameter Number of times that client systems were denied access to the print server because the print server s host access list does not contain an allowable entry DHCP Lease Time Read only parameter DHCP IP address lease duration tim...

Страница 65: ...mat trap dest ip address community name port number In the example ip address is the IP address of the host to receive traps community name specifies the SNMP community name and port number identifies the port number to use The default community name is public The default SNMP port number is 162 You must enter a community name to specify a port number To delete the list set trap destination to zer...

Страница 66: ...r page through PJL 0 Disable 1 default Enable banner pages pjl eoj ipx eoj IPX end of job notification through PJL 0 Disable 1 default Enable pjl toner low ipx toner low IPX toner low notification through PJL 0 Disable 1 default Enable AppleTalk appletalk Use AppleTalk EtherTalk protocol operation on the print server 0 Disable 1 default Enable NOTE On HP Jetdirect 640n print servers all network pr...

Страница 67: version than the currently installed version The print server attempts to upgrade if the upgrade file contains a higher version than the installed version The following is the command format upgrade TFTP server IP Version Product Number Filename The following defines the parameters TFTP Server IP IP address of the TFTP server Version firmware version of the upgrade file Product Number print ser...

Страница 68: ...nly the IEEE 802 11bgn wireless port is active If a network cable is attached then only the IEEE 802 3 wired port is active CAUTION Do not plug a network cable into an active wired wireless port if the network select command is set to Auto Wireless access will immediately terminate Wired Only the 802 3 wired port is active Wireless Only the 802 11bgn wireless port is active link type For wired 10 ...

Страница 69: ...upport of this device support url Web URL address for product information on this device over the Internet or an intranet tech support url Web URL address for technical support over the Internet or an intranet Menu Interface An optional Menu interface is displayed when you type the menu command during a Telnet session with the HP Jetdirect print server The Menu interface provides structured menu l...

Страница 70: ... WINS Server Not Specified SMTP Mail Server Not Specified Would you like to change any of the settings Y N Y Host Name printer1 TCP IP Menu 1 TCP IP Main Settings 2 TCP IP Print Options 3 TCP IP Raw Print Ports 4 TCP IP Access Control 5 TCP IP Other Settings 6 TCP IP Diagnostics 0 Return to Main Menu Enter Selection 1 To edit these parameters enter Y Use the Backspace key to edit the parameters Ch...

Страница 71: ...s configured using BOOTP DHCP or RARP update the appropriate system files If the IP address was manually set from the printer control panel or Telnet reconfigure IP parameters as described in this chapter Use the HP Embedded Web Server You can use the HP Embedded Web Server on the HP Jetdirect print server to configure or view IPv4 and IPv6 parameters For more information see HP Embedded Web Serve...

Страница 72: ... configuration use an alternate configuration tool such as Telnet IPv4 or the HP Embedded Web Server If the HP Jetdirect print server is configured with TCP IP parameters from the printer control panel the configuration is saved on the print server when turned off and then on 62 Chapter 3 TCP IP configuration ENWW ...

Страница 73: ... provide access to device and networking pages The tabs and functions displayed vary depending on the capabilities of the device and the HP Jetdirect print server firmware version For a description of the device pages see the HP Embedded Web Server documentation supplied with your printer or MFP device The Networking tab is displayed and controlled by the HP Jetdirect print server A typical Networ...

Страница 74: ...ded Web Server NOTE This section assumes that a wireless network connection is established If a wireless network connection is not established you can use the HP Embedded Web Server to configure the HP Jetdirect wireless print server with wireless settings for your network Before you can use the HP Embedded Web Server configure the HP Jetdirect print server with an IP address Using IPv6 protocols ...

Страница 75: ...ter1 support hp com enter the host name in this example printer1 Your system might resolve an IP address for the device Figure 4 2 Entering an IP Address or Fully Qualified Domain Name 3 If prompted with security alerts click Yes to proceed By factory default HP Jetdirect print servers and printers MFPs with IPsec support are configured as a secure site using an X 509v3 compliant certificate insta...

Страница 76: ...the attached device cannot be accessed or does not exist The HP Jetdirect home page displays a generic printer graphic to represent the attached device The HP Jetdirect print server s product model firmware version and network addresses are displayed along with any device information Table 4 1 HP Jetdirect Home Page Items on page 66 provides a summary of the items displayed on the HP Jetdirect hom...

Страница 77: ... factory assigned LAN hardware address Admin Password Indicates whether an administrator password is set Can be configured through a Telnet session with the HP Jetdirect print server or from HP Web Jetadmin Because passwords are synchronized with selected printers the password might have been set through printer security Web pages Use the Admin Password page to set or clear administrator passwords...

Страница 78: ...age 69 The Wireless Station page displays all wireless configuration parameters required to make a wireless connection to your network Click Apply to set or Cancel to ignore your configuration entries To reset to factory default values click Restore Defaults Alternatively you can click the Wireless Wizard button in the General section of the Wireless Station page to configure your wireless network...

Страница 79: and increase the data rate Enabling aggregation allows a maximum frame size of 64k bytes NOTE This parameter is only displayed when the 802 11b g n Wireless Mode is selected Enable Block ACKs Select whether to enable acknowledgment of multiple AMPDUs which allows each of the aggregated data frames to be individually acknowledged or retransmitted if affected by an error NOTE This parameter is on...

Страница 80: ...ncy that the print server uses to broadcast its availability if it fails to associate with the specified ad hoc network on any channel By factory default channel 11 2462 MHz is used However channel 10 2457 MHz is also available The factory default mode configured on the HP Jetdirect print server is ad hoc To initially communicate with the print server your wireless computer must be set up for ad h...

Страница 81: ...r password up to 128 characters for this device and then confirm the password by entering it again Server ID Specify the Server ID validation string identifying and validating the authentication server This string is specified on the digital certificate issued by a trusted Certificate Authority CA for the authentication server The entry can be a partial string unless you select Require Exact Match...

Страница 82: ...ard AES or temporal key integrity protocol TKIP WPA Personal Choose WPA Personal which uses a pre shared key typically generated by a passphrase You can also directly enter the pre shared key Enter the Passphrase to use when generating the pre shared key for WPA Personal authentication on your network The passphrase must be from 8 to 63 ASCII characters in the hexadecimal range 21 through 7E chara...

Страница 83: ...on string identifying and validating the authentication server This string is specified on the digital certificate issued by a trusted Certificate Authority CA for the authentication server The entry can be a partial string unless you select Require Exact Match Encryption Strength Specify the minimum encryption strength to use during communications with the authentication server You can select Low...

Страница 84: ...fied Domain Name IPv4 IPv6 Consists of the device s host name and domain name Unless the network administrator segments domains into separate IPv4 and IPv6 hosts you can use the FQDN on either IPv4 or IPv6 networks simultaneously IPv4 Address IPv4 address subnet mask and default gateway for the print server Config By IPv4 parameters configured using DHCP BOOTP Manual or Auto IP DHCP Lease Time Dur...

Страница 85: ...TCP IP network identification Items on this page are described in the following table NOTE Names such as host and domain must begin with a letter and can contain only letters numbers periods for domain names only or hyphens The underline character _ is not allowed Table 4 5 TCP IP Network Identification tab Item Description Host Name Readable IP name the SNMP SysName object for the network device ...

Страница 86: ...device or service if socket information such as the IP address changes from session to session The name is persistent The default service name is the printer model and the last six digits of the LAN hardware MAC address Enter up to 64 alphanumeric characters Bonjour Domain Name Read only parameter Bonjour domain name assigned to the device in the form host name local If a host name is not assigned...

Страница 87: server is turned off then turned on You can immediately implement any stateless address changes by clearing and then selecting the IPv6 Enable check box Read only parameters The stateless addresses and prefix lengths configured on the print server are listed Stateless addresses are assigned under the control of a router DHCPv6 Addresses Select the DHCPv6 policy that the print server uses for s...

Страница 88: ...a DHCPv6 server Default Factory default configuration Reset to default scheme Reset the precedence table to the default sequence Reinitialize Now Save the new precedence table clear the configuration method to its factory default setting and restart the IP stack Clear Previous Values and Reinitialize Now Save the new precedence table clear the configuration method to its factory default setting cl...

Страница 89: ...nd the HP Jetdirect Home tab if available System Location IPv4 or IPv6 Physical location of the device or related information Enter up to 64 alphanumeric characters If set displayed on the Protocol Info page and the HP Jetdirect Home tab if available Automatic IPv4 only Web proxy discovery is automatically initiated default Manual cURL IPv4 only Web proxy server is automatically selected using a c...

Страница 90: ...transmit DHCP requests when a legacy default IP address 192 0 0 192 or link local IP address 169 254 x x is automatically assigned Select or clear the check box to enable default or disable DHCP requests Use Stateless DHCPv4 When Manually Configured IPv4 only Allow additional IPv4 parameters to be automatically configured from a DHCPv4 server even when the print server is statically configured suc...

Страница 91: ...g Enable CCC Logging Select or clear the check box to enable default or disable HP customer care logging Network Settings Use the Network Settings pages to set or change configuration parameters for IPX SPX on page 81 AppleTalk on page 82 DLC LLC on page 83 and SNMP on page 83 protocols To assign a parameter setting enter the desired value and click Apply NOTE The features displayed depend on the ...

Страница 92: ...nt server object Print queue and device objects can be located anywhere within the NDS tree but the HP Jetdirect print server must be configured with the fully qualified print server object name For example if the print server object is found in the container marketing mytown lj the fully qualified print server context name CN is OU marketing OU mytown O lj In the example OU is an organization uni...

Страница 93: ...aserJet and LaserWriter Zone AppleTalk network zone for the printer By default the current zone is displayed Click the Refresh selected zone Info button to refresh the list of available zones DLC LLC Select or clear the check box to enable or disable DLC LLC protocols on the HP Jetdirect print server NOTE On HP Jetdirect 640n print servers all network protocols except TCP IP are disabled by factor...

Страница 94: ...ort monitors or discovery utilities might not operate properly Enable SNMPv1 v2 read only access Enable the SNMP v1 v2c agents on the print server but limit access to read only Write access is disabled The default Get community name public is automatically enabled Disable SNMPv1 v2 Disable the SNMP v1 v2c agents on the print server This is recommended for secure environments NOTE If you disable SN...

Страница 95: listed as Multicast Domain Name System mDNS services Bonjour is typically used for IP address and name resolution through UDP port 5353 where a conventional DNS server is not used For Bonjour operation you must enable Multicast IPv4 Multicast IPv4 Use the receipt and transmission of IP version 4 multicast packets by the print server NOTE If disabled other protocols that use multicast protocols ...

Страница 96: ...bps half duplex operation 100TX AUTO Limit auto negotiation to a maximum link speed of 100 Mbps 1000T FULL 1000 Mbps full duplex operation Locally Administered Address Supported print servers only Warning Changing the locally administered address results in the loss of connectivity to the browser Specify a locally administered address LAA to replace the factory assigned LAN Hardware MAC address If...

Страница 97: ...irmware Upgrade For print servers that support firmware upgrades use this tab to upgrade the print server with new features The firmware upgrade file for the print server must be available on your system To identify and retrieve the appropriate upgrade file click HP Jetdirect Firmware Updates Internet access required or visit HP online support at www hp com go webjetadmin_firmware From the HP onli...

Страница 98: ...text xyz CAUTION Avoid using lowercase and uppercase characters to differentiate queue names Management of LPD queues by other tools such as Telnet can yield unpredictable results LPD Queue Parameters for setting up LPD queues are described in Table 4 14 LPD Queues tab settings on page 88 Table 4 14 LPD Queues tab settings Item Description Queue Name Queue name Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characte...

Страница 99: ...a non printing character using its hexadecimal value by entering a backslash followed by two hexadecimal characters For example to enter the escape character hex 1B type 1B If your string includes the back slash character itself specify it as 5C Enter up to 240 characters in this field The characters in the field are checked for hexadecimal values converted if necessary and stored internally The m...

Страница 100: ...rint server The settings displayed depend on the features supported by the print server Wizard NOTE If you use HP Web Jetadmin to manage your devices do not use this wizard Instead use HP Web Jetadmin to configure your network security settings Select the Wizard tab to open the initial Wizard page If prompted with security alerts click Yes to proceed The Wizard page identifies the current security...

Страница 101: ...text communications and are not secure Use the Admin Account page to enter the administrator password The administrator password is also used as the SNMP v1 v2 Set Community Name for SNMP management applications NOTE To clear the administrator password apply blank entries using Custom Security or see the Admin Account page accessed through the Authorization menu The Configuration Review page displ...

Страница 102: 93 Use the Admin Account page to enter the administrator password NOTE To clear the Administrator Password enter blank entries or see Admin Account on page 93 Use the Web Mgmt page for HTTPS configuration including certificates and encryption levels Use the Management Tools page to configure management protocols that are not secure such as RCFG Telnet and FTP firmware updates Use the SNMP Con...

Страница 103: ...HP Web Jetadmin the two settings are no longer synchronized Printer Password Synchronization EIO and embedded print servers only Most printers provide password protected access to printer configuration and status settings The password is set through security Web pages provided by the printer For these the administrator password for the printer and the HP Jetdirect print server are synchronized so ...

Страница 104: ...n server s identity is validated when information on the CA certificate matches the information on a certificate received from the authentication server A CA certificate for the print server is used to sign the authentication server s certificate Therefore the certificate authority for the authentication server s certificate must also be used for the CA certificate Click View to view the contents ...

Страница 105: ...pre installed certificate You are prompted for information in the following screen Install Certificate The certificate to be installed must be associated with a previous certificate request generated by the HP Embedded Web Server Install CA Certificate Full featured print servers only Displayed when you click Configure to install a CA certificate required for selected authentication protocols You ...

Страница 106: Do not use this default address to identify your device Organization Required Specify the full legal name for your company Organizational Unit Optional Specify your department division or other subgroup of your organization City Locality Required Enter the city or locality in which your organization is located State Province Required for all countries regions Must contain at least three chara...

Страница 107: ...rint server NOTE Not all print servers or devices support ACL and support is limited to IPv4 networks For improved security and performance use the IPsec Firewall feature if available instead of ACL By default hosts with HTTP connections such as the HP Embedded Web Server or IPP can access the print server regardless of access control list entries To disable HTTP host access clear the Allow Web Se...

Страница 108: ...w one For more information see Configure certificates on page 94 The minimum encryption strength allowed must be specified when using an HP Jetdirect certificate Select Low default Medium or High encryption strength For example select Low to allow use of medium or high encryption levels Select High to use only high encryption levels For each encryption strength specify ciphers to identify the weak...

Страница 109: ...SNMP access you should disable SNMP v1 and v2c Other Use this tab to enable or disable various protocols supported by the print server for printing print services and management The items are described in Table 4 17 Other protocols on page 99 Table 4 17 Other protocols Item Description Enable Print Protocols Select the print protocols to use IPX SPX AppleTalk or DLC LLC Disable unused protocols to...

Страница 110: ...r RCFG Telnet and FTP are not secure protocols and device passwords can be intercepted RCFG a remote IPX configuration protocol used by older management tools to configure Novell NetWare parameters Disabling RCFG does not affect direct mode printing using IPX SPX It is recommended that you disable Telnet FTP firmware upgrades and RCFG 802 1X Authentication Full featured print servers only Use this...

Страница 111: ...o verify Server ID Server ID validation string to identify and validate the authentication server The string is specified on the digital certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority CA for the authentication server Can contain a partial string right most characters unless the Require Exact Match check box is selected Encryption Strength Minimum encryption strength used during communicatio...

Страница 112: ...Psec Firewall configuration V 45 xx nn xx on page 105 Device Announcement Agent Use the Device Announcement page to enable or disable the HP Device Announcement Agent to set the configuration server and to indicate whether to require mutual authentication using certificates When enabled the default the HP Device Announcement Agent sends an announcement to a configuration server when the device fir...

Страница 113: ...and configuration information The contents of this page are described in HP Jetdirect configuration pages on page 139 Other Links Help On Networking tab pages click to display a Help page which provides a quick summary of the HP Embedded Web Server features In the Help page links to HP support documents that provide updated information are available Internet access is required Support Display the ...

Страница 114: ...104 Chapter 4 HP Embedded Web Server V 45 xx nn xx ENWW ...

Страница 115: ...ddition to Firewall and IPsec protection at the network layer the print server also supports an SNMPv3 agent at the application layer for management application security and open secure sockets layer SSL standards at the transport layer for secure client server applications such as client server authentication or HTTPS Web browsing For IPsec Firewall operation on the print server you must configur...

Страница 116: ...igure 5 1 Firewall Policy page Figure 5 2 IPsec Policy page The items on the IPsec Firewall policy pages are described in the following table 106 Chapter 5 IPsec Firewall configuration V 45 xx nn xx ENWW ...

Страница 117: ...ce that is not covered by the IPsec policy Review policies whenever firmware is updated or a new Chai applet is installed Action on Match Define how to process the IP traffic that contains the addresses and services specified For Firewall operation the traffic is allowed or dropped depending on the action specified by the rule For IPsec operation the traffic is allowed without IPsec protection dro...

Страница 118: ... packet with IPv4 address directed to printing port 9100 is allowed and processed because it matches the rule A non IPsec packet with IPv4 address to the Telnet port is dropped because it violates the default rule IPsec security associations SA If a packet is IPsec protected there must be an IPsec security association SA for it A security association defines how an IP packet from one host to anoth...

Страница 119: Firewall Wizard to Configure Each Rule Step 1 select Addresses1 Step 2 select Services1 Step 1 select Addresses2 Step 2 select Services2 Step 3 select Allow Drop or Protect with IPsec1 Step 3 select Allow Drop or Protect with IPsec2 Rule 1 Rule 2 Limitations to rules templates and services Limitations to rules templates and services are summarized in the following table Table 5 2 Limitations to...

Страница 120: ...late is not subject to this limitation and includes all services supported by the print server 64 Maximum number of services you can add to the policy For example if a user defined service template consists of 64 services then it is the only service template you can use 64 Maximum number of service templates in the policy 10 Maximum number of user defined custom service templates 10 Maximum number...

Страница 121: ... a predefined template or click New to create and add a custom template to the list CAUTION If the All Services template for a rule is not specified a security risk can exist Future networking applications that are deployed after the IPsec Policy is in place might not be IPsec protected unless the All Services template is used To view or delete a template in the list select it and click View or De...

Страница 122: ...ol Service Type and Service Port or ICMP Message Type for this custom service 3 Click Add to add the service to the Configured Custom Services list 4 Click OK to save your changes Or click Cancel to discard your changes Table 5 6 Manage Custom Services page Item Description Name Name for the custom service NOTE The custom service name must be unique Protocol Protocol for this custom service The de...

Страница 123: ... for the addresses and services specified for this rule Available actions depend on whether IPsec is supported Allow traffic If IPsec is supported allow traffic to pass without IPsec protection Drop traffic Do not process discard the specified IP traffic Require traffic to be protected with an IPsec Firewall policy If IPsec Firewall features are supported you are prompted to select or configure an...

Страница 124: ...ntication must occur to validate sender receiver identities Internet Key Exchange default Use Internet key exchange IKE protocols for authentication and encryption and to create security associations Version Select the IKE version IKEv1 or IKEv2 Set IKE Defaults Select a default security profile for IKE operation Several predefined profiles are provided To configure a custom security profile selec...

Страница 125: ...which you can replace In addition you must install a CA certificate for server authentication Status Indicates whether a certificate is installed View Display the certificate data of an installed certificate Configure Manage or install a certificate For information on requesting configuring and installing certificates see Configure certificates on page 94 Kerberos Use Kerberos authentication The s...

Страница 126: ...y configure Kerberos account settings on the print server 1 Use the Kerberos Settings page to provide Kerberos account and configuration settings 2 Click Next to return to the Identity Authentication page and confirm that Kerberos status indicates Configured Table 5 10 Kerberos Settings page Item Description KDC Server FQDN of the domain controller used as the Kerberos KDC The FQDN consists of the...

Страница 127: ...cribed in the following table Table 5 11 IKEv1 IKEv2 Phase 1 Authentication page Item Description Negotiation Mode Required IKE provides two modes of negotiation during an exchange for keys and security services to be used for a Security Association Main Uses identity protection between the hosts This method is slower but secure Aggressive Uses half the message exchanges It is faster but less secu...

Страница 128: ... to 28800 the number of kilobytes 10 to 4294967295 Kb or both Within the limits specified shorter lifetimes provide improved security depending on the frequency of SA use Set to zero 0 to disable Advanced IKE Settings Click to configure advanced IKE settings Advanced IKE Settings The Advanced IKE Settings page contains the configuration settings described in the following table Table 5 13 Advanced...

Страница 129: be used for data protection AH IPsec authentication header AH protocol for IP packets AH headers are inserted in packets to protect integrity of packet contents through cryptographic checksums Select among the supported authentication methods CAUTION IPsec AH might not function properly in environments that use network address translation NAT NOTE For manual keys you can select only one authent...

Страница 130: ...on Specify authentication keys These must be the same for ESP and AH protocols if both are enabled In Authentication keys for packets received by the device Out Authentication keys for packets sent by the device Rule Summary This page provides summary information for the IPsec Firewall rules created To complete the procedure use the following steps 1 Click Create Another Rule to define another IPs...

Страница 131: ...Jetdirect certificate provides HTTPS access to the HP Embedded Web Server from your Web browser Install a digital certificate issued by a trusted third party to configure the print server as a trusted site Configure security settings using the security configuration wizard Configure full featured print servers with EAP 802 1X port based authentication IPsec Firewall Control IP traffic using Firewa...

Страница 132: ...disable HTTP host access using the HP Embedded Web Server Configured on the HP Jetdirect print server using TFTP IPv4 Telnet IPv4 the HP Embedded Web Server or SNMP IPv4 management software Telnet Control Telnet IPv4 access is not secure You can disable Telnet using the HP Embedded Web Server see HP Embedded Web Server V 45 xx nn xx on page 63 Authentication and Encryption Certificate management f...

Страница 133: ...idual profiles and controlled access to HP Jetdirect and printer features For full featured print servers only You can use HP Web Jetadmin to enable the IPv4 IPv6 SNMP v3 agent on the print server and create an SNMP v3 account for secure encrypted management Printer Control Panel Lock Selected HP printers provide a control panel lock that prevents access to HP Jetdirect print server configuration ...

Страница 134: ...cols disabled Medium Limited security for non trusted environment If the Administrator password and SNMP v1 v2c Set Community Name are known access is limited to Systems listed in the access control list SNMP v1 v2c management applications Unused protocols disabled HTTPS access enabled using certificates issued by trusted sources Full featured HP Jetdirect print servers configured for EAP 802 1X p...

Страница 135: ...llowing items available HP Jetdirect configuration page see HP Jetdirect configuration pages on page 139 Printer configuration or diagnostic page Documentation provided with your printer Documentation provided with your HP Jetdirect print server Diagnostics tools and utilities provided with your network software such as Novell NetWare utilities TCP IP utilities or network printer management applic...

Страница 136: ...edures described in Example Cold reset using the service menu on page 126 For other printers or if you have questions about performing a cold reset see your printer service manuals Or visit www hp com support and search for document file bpj02300 html HP LaserJet Printers MFPs with Embedded HP Jetdirect Print Server HP Jetdirect embedded print servers can be reset to factory defaults when a cold r...

Страница 137: ... Press the down arrow M button or 9 button until Cold Reset appears 5 Press the Select button or 6 button to perform a cold reset and then continue its turn on sequence ENWW Reset to factory defaults 127 ...

Страница 138: ...d hold the Select button or the 6 button on MFPs with numeric keypads until the three control panel lights Ready Data Attention blink and then remain on 3 Release the Select button or 6 button The control panel displays Select 4 Press the down arrow M button or 9 button until Embedded LAN disable appears 5 Press the Select button or 6 button to disable the embedded print server and then continue i...

Страница 139: Does the printer control panel display a READY message Is the printer communicating with the network YES Does an I O Card Ready message appear on the config page If the problem persists see your network documentation NO See Procedure 1 NO See Procedure 2 NO See Procedure 3 NO See Chapter 8 NO YES YES YES YES See Procedure 4 ENWW General troubleshooting 129 ...

Страница 140: ...EADY appear on the printer control panel display See Procedure 3 in this section for a list of network related error messages and corrective actions See your printer documentation for a complete list of control panel messages and corrective actions Procedure 2 Print an HP Jetdirect configuration page The HP Jetdirect configuration page is an important troubleshooting tool This page lists the statu...

Страница 141: ...lowing steps This information assumes you have already printed a configuration page 1 For LaserJet printers or MFPs are there Service Error messages such as 49 XXXX 79 XXXX or 8X XXXX See your printer manuals to interpret the error message If you recently upgraded the HP Jetdirect firmware turn the print server off and then on For EIO and embedded HP Jetdirect print servers turn the printer off an...

Страница 142: ...nfigurations Verify that network cable lengths meet network specifications For wireless print servers verify that the wireless network parameters are set correctly 2 Are your network cables connected properly Verify that the printer is attached to the network through the appropriate HP Jetdirect print server port and cable Check each cable connection to make sure it is secure and in the right plac...

Страница 143: ...nabled on the HP Jetdirect print server Check the status of the network protocols on the HP Jetdirect configuration page See HP Jetdirect configuration pages on page 139 for information on the configuration page On TCP IP networks you can also use the HP Embedded Web Server to check status of other protocols See HP Embedded Web Server V 45 xx nn xx on page 63 9 Is there an error message in the pro...

Страница 144: ...bleshooting section in the online help included with the HP Web Jetadmin software 12 On supported systems does the printer respond to HP Web Jetadmin Verify network and HP Jetdirect settings on the configuration page See HP Jetdirect configuration pages on page 139 for information on the configuration page Confirm the network settings for the printer using the printer control panel for printers wi...

Страница 145: ...nable to communicate after initial setup If you have successfully configured the HP Jetdirect wireless print server with a network connection to your network but your network computers are unable to communicate with the printer including a ping command try the following Print an HP Jetdirect configuration page and verify all configuration settings for your network Common errors include incorrect e...

Страница 146: actually being used on a network It does not show the broadcast channel used when a network is not detected Unable to use the HP Jetdirect install network printer wizard The wizard Microsoft Windows is used to configure the HP Jetdirect wireless print server with wireless network connection settings to access your network If you are unable to use this wizard try other configuration tools w...

Страница 147: ...ves reception and performance Reduce or remove sources of interference Metallic objects can absorb or attenuate radio signals and devices such as microwave ovens and cordless phones operate using similar radio frequencies Reduce the distance between the printer and the access point or wireless PC by doing any of the following moving the printer moving the access point or wireless PC adding an addi...

Страница 148: ...138 Chapter 7 Troubleshoot the HP Jetdirect print server ENWW ...

Страница 149: ...printer configuration page prints For instructions see your printer manuals You can also view an HP Jetdirect configuration page over the network from a management utility such as HP Web Jetadmin or by accessing the HP Embedded Web Server on the HP Jetdirect print server See HP Embedded Web Server V 45 xx nn xx on page 63 If supported by the print server a Security configuration page provides IPse...

Страница 150: ... Configuration Page on page 140 The configuration page information provided depends on the print server model and firmware version Figure 8 1 Typical HP Jetdirect Configuration Page The HP Jetdirect configuration page is divided into sections as listed in the following table Detailed parameter descriptions and settings for each section including error messages are provided in the remainder of this...

Страница 151: ...le 8 13 Error messages on page 153 IPX SPX Current status and parameter values for the IPX SPX network protocols See Table 8 9 IPX SPX configuration information on page 150 For error messages see Table 8 13 Error messages on page 153 Novell NetWare Status and parameter values for a Novell NetWare network See Table 8 10 Novell NetWare configuration information on page 151 For error messages see Tab...

Страница 152: ...rt 100TX HALF 100Mbps half duplex wired port 100TX FULL 100Mbps full duplex wired port HARDWARE ADDRESS The 12 digit hexadecimal network hardware MAC address of the HP Jetdirect print server installed in the printer or device This address is assigned by the manufacturer PORT SELECT Ethernet only Specifies the port detected for use on the HP Jetdirect print server NONE The print server is not conne...

Страница 153: ...access point to which the HP Jetdirect wireless print server is connected Ad Hoc Mode A random number or name generated by the initiator of the ad hoc network Channel Radio frequency channel that the print server sensed and configured for communication on the network Because it was automatically sensed from the network this channel can be different than the user configured channel which is only us...

Страница 154: ...ely 10 percent AMSDU Aggregation Aggregating 802 11n MAC service data units packs them into frames to reduce overhead and increase the data rate Enabling aggregation allows a maximum frame size of 7935 bytes Use aggregation of MAC service data units ENABLED or DISABLED Block ACKs Select whether to enable acknowledgment of multiple AMPDUs which allows each of the aggregated data frames to be indivi...

Страница 155: ...upported 1 2 3 na np SNMP v 1 v 2c and v 3 enabled v 3 is enabled with the minimum security of no authentication na and no privacy np 1 2 3 a np SNMP v 1 v 2c and v 3 enabled v 3 is enabled with the minimum security of authentication enabled a but no privacy np 1 2 3 a p SNMP v 1 v 2c and v 3 enabled v 3 is enabled with the minimum security of authentication a with privacy p enabled 3 na np SNMP v...

Страница 156: checking the assessment server for changes JD Config Changes Poll Interval Number of hours to wait before checking the assessment server for device configuration changes Primary Address Host Name IP address or host name of the primary assessment server Primary Port Port number of the primary assessment server Backup Address Host Name IP address or host name of the backup assessment server Backu...

Страница 157: ...m because the host printer name is not included Not Specified Domain name not configured on the print server IPV6 DOMAIN NAME DNS name of the IPv6 domain in which the HP Jetdirect print server resides for example support company com This is not the fully qualified DNS name for example printer1 support company com because the host printer name is not included Not Specified Domain name not configure...

Страница 158: ... mask is not configured DEFAULT GATEWAY IPv4 address of the gateway used when sending packets off the local network Only one default gateway can be configured During initialization a temporary value 0 0 0 0 is displayed If not provided the IP address of the HP Jetdirect print server is used Not Specified Default gateway is not configured CONFIG BY Indicates how the HP Jetdirect print server obtain...

Страница 159: ...lines and can be truncated Not Specified HP Web Jetadmin host system URL could not be identified or is not set BONJOUR SERVICE NAME Name assigned to this device or service This name is persistent and is used to resolve a particular device or service if socket information such as the IP address changes from session to session Apple Bonjour displays this service The default service name is the print...

Страница 160: ... page 153 PRIMARY FRAME TYPE Frame type selection AUTO SELECT Automatically sense and limit to the first one detected EN_8023 Limit to IPX over IEEE 802 3 frames All others are counted and discarded EN_II Limit to IPX over Ethernet frames All others are counted and discarded EN_8022 Limit to IPX over IEEE 802 2 with IEEE 802 3 frames All others are counted and discarded EN_SNAP Limit to IPX over S...

Страница 161: ...TE PRINTER Print server emulates a Novell NetWare remote printer The printer number normally follows this parameter If the printer is not configured this field displays QUEUE SERVER NDS TREE NAME Name of the Novell Directory Services NDS tree for this printer NDS is a database of objects on a NetWare network organized in a hierarchical tree structure Not Specified or blank NDS is disabled NDS CONT...

Страница 162: ...NODE NUMBER Node number that the print server chose for itself as part of its initialization sequence NOTE The AppleTalk phase 2 P2 parameter is pre configured on the HP Jetdirect print server DLC LLC protocol information Information in this section of the HP Jetdirect configuration page is described in Table 8 12 DLC LLC configuration information on page 152 Table 8 12 DLC LLC configuration infor...

Страница 163: ...anning on all channels for devices on the specified SSID network name Check your specified SSID or check status of the access point Infrastructure mode or other wireless devices The print server continues to scan for the specified SSID 09 LAN ERROR BABBLE Check the network connections If the connections are intact run the self test by turning the printer off and then on again If the error persists...

Страница 164: ...the NetWare print server object is incorrect Use a NetWare utility such as PCONSOLE to erase the print server object password A new password is set when the HP Jetdirect print server logs on again NOTE When multiple file servers are configured the error is only displayed on the configuration page if none of the file servers are connected 19 NO QUEUE ASSIGNED The HP Jetdirect print server object is...

Страница 165: ...ONNECT TO SERVER Queue server mode error Print server could not establish an NCP connection to the file server Verify the correct file servers are connected When multiple file servers are configured the error is only displayed on the configuration page if none of the file servers successfully connected 23 UNABLE TO ATTACH TO QUEUE Failure detected when the HP Jetdirect print server tried to attach...

Страница 166: ...strator 2F NDS ERR SRVR NAME UNRESOLVD Cannot locate the file server on the network The server is not running or a communications problem exists 30 NDS PRINT SERVER NAME ERROR Cannot locate the HP Jetdirect print server object in the specified NDS context 31 NDS PS PRINTER LIST ERROR Cannot locate a list of printer objects assigned to the print server object 32 NDS PRINTER OBJ NOTIFY ERR Cannot lo...

Страница 167: ...Jetdirect print server through BOOTP is invalid for a single node Check your Bootptab file for proper entries 46 INVALID SERVER ADDRESS The specified TFTP server IP address for the HP Jetdirect print server through BOOTP is invalid for a single node Check your Bootptab file for proper entries 47 INVALID TRAP DEST ADDRESS One of the SNMP trap Trap PDU destination IP addresses for the HP Jetdirect p...

Страница 168: ...DOWNLOAD Currently downloading firmware to the HP Jetdirect print server or the download did not complete properly 5A TURN PRINTER OFF ON Firmware download is complete Turn the HP Jetdirect print server off and then on 5C DHCP BAD REPLY Bad reply received from the DHCP server Check your DHCP server settings for this print server 5D DHCP LEASE DURATION TOO SHORT DHCP lease times for this print serv...

Страница 169: ...r RARP to obtain TCP IP configuration settings over the network F4 BOOTP DHCP IN PROGRESS The print server is attempting to use BootP or DHCP to obtain TCP IP configuration settings over the network HP Jetdirect Security page If the HP Jetdirect print server supports IPsec you can print an enhanced Security page from the HP Jetdirect menu that is accessed through the printer control panel The foll...

Страница 170: ...n to that provided by the standard HP Jetdirect configuration page See the following table Table 8 14 General Information Message Description 802 1X EAP 802 1X client authentication setting to use EAP TLS Use EAP TLS EAP PEAP Use EAP PEAP Specified Use an 802 1X authentication protocol other than EAP TLS EAP PEAP Not Specified No authentication specified 160 Chapter 8 HP Jetdirect configuration pa...

Страница 171: ...NMP access is allowed 1 2 SNMP v 1 and SNMP v 2c supported and SNMP v 3 is disabled or not supported 1 2 3 na np SNMP v 1 v 2c and v 3 are enabled v 3 is enabled with the minimum security of no authentication na and no privacy np 1 2 3 a np SNMP v 1 v 2c and v 3 are enabled v 3 is enabled with the minimum security of authentication enabled a but no privacy np 1 2 3 a p SNMP v 1 v 2c and v 3 are en...

Страница 172: ... HTTP ports as well as encrypted communications using HTTPS HTTPS Required Allow only encrypted communications on HTTPS IPsec Error Log This section provides IPsec error messages contained in the following table Table 8 15 IPsec Error Log Message Description Deprecated Template A Service template from a prior HP Jetdirect firmware version was detected The template is in one of the following states...

Страница 173: ...s received Rx and transmitted Tx by the print server IKE Stats Internet key exchange IKE statistics for the print server are described in the following table Table 8 17 IKE Statistics Message Description Phase 1 Failures Number of authentication failures that occur when the print server is establishing a connection over IPsec These result in connection failures Quick Mode Failures Number of post a...

Страница 174: ... address of the host that initiates the IPsec traffic DST IP address of the host that receives the IPsec traffic In Out Dropped Number of IPsec packets received transmitted or dropped by the print server Available Network Services This section lists the well known ports of HP Jetdirect services being accessed A remote port is associated with a remote client application A local port identifies a se...

Страница 175: ...ems using LPD Configuring print queues using the SAM utility HP UX systems LPD on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 2008 systems on page 170 LPD on Microsoft Windows XP systems on page 173 NOTE For systems not listed see your operating system documentation and online help Recent versions of Novell NetWare NetWare 5 x with NDPS 2 1 or greater support LPD printing For setup instructions and support see ...

Страница 176: ...e Purpose of Program lpr Queue jobs for printing lpq Display print queues lprm Remove jobs from print queues lpc Control print queues lpd Scan and print the files if the specified printer is connected to the system If the specified printer is connected to another system this process forwards the files to an lpd process on the remote system where the files are to be printed Requirements for configu...

Страница 177: ...ble A 2 Supported queue types raw raw1 raw2 raw3 No processing Treats the data in the queue as a print job already formatted in the PCL PostScript or HP GL 2 and sends it to the printer without modification text text1 text2 text3 Carriage return added Treats data in the queue as unformatted or ASCII text and adds a carriage return to each line before sending to the printer auto auto1 auto2 auto3 A...

Страница 178: ...p entries for ASCII or text printers lj1_text text1 lp rm laserjet1 rp text lf usr spool lpd lj1_text log sd usr spool lpd lj1_text Example Printcap entries for postScript PCL or HP GL 2 printers lj1_raw raw1 lp rm laserjet1 rp raw lf usr spool lpd lj1_raw log sd usr spool lpd lj1_raw If your printer does not support automatic switching between PostScript PCL and HP GL 2 languages use the printer ...

Страница 179: ... remote print queues for printing text files ASCII or raw files PCL PostScript or other printer language Before you begin select an IP address for the HP Jetdirect print server and add an entry for it in the etc hosts file on your HP UX system 1 Start the SAM utility as the superuser 2 Select Peripheral Devices from the Main menu 3 Select Printers Plotters from the Peripheral Devices menu 4 Select...

Страница 180: ...stem prompt type lpr Pprintername filename In the example printername is the designated printer and filename is the file to print Examples for BSD based systems Text File lpr Ptext1 textfile PCL File lpr Praw1 pclfile pcl PostScript File lpr Praw1 psfile ps HP GL 2 File lpr Praw1 hpglfile hpg For HP UX systems use lp d instead of lpr P 2 To display the print status type the following at the UNIX p...

Страница 181: ... and click Add to add the Internet Protocol TCP IP Follow the on screen instructions 3 Enter TCP IP configuration values for the computer On the General tab in the Local Area Connection Properties window select Internet Protocol TCP IP and click Properties If you are configuring a Microsoft Windows server type the IP address default gateway address and subnet mask in the appropriate spaces If you ...

Страница 182: ...n click OK NOTE The HP Jetdirect print server treats text files as unformatted text or ASCII files Raw files are formatted files in PCL PostScript or HP GL 2 printer languages If the queue type is binps the PostScript interpreter is instructed to interpret the print job as binary PostScript data 7 Select the Manufacturer and Printer model If necessary click Have Disk and follow the instructions to...

Страница 183: ...optional networking components 1 Click Start 2 Click Control Panel 3 Click Network and Internet Connections 4 Click the Network Connections icon 5 Select Advanced in the top menu bar In the drop down list select Optional Networking Components 6 Select Other Network File and Print Services and click Next If you select Details before selecting Next you see Print Services for UNIX R as a component of...

Страница 184: ...entify the printer to other users Click Next 10 If desired enter a location and other information for this printer Click Next 11 Click Yes to print a test page then click Next 12 Click Finish to close the wizard Create an LPR port for an installed printer 1 Click Start Printers and Faxes 2 Right click the Printer icon and select Properties 3 Select the Ports tab and Add Port 4 Select LPR Port from...

Страница 185: ...stScript PCL or unformatted text For formatted print jobs first print to a file from your application by using the driver for the selected printer then transfer the print file to the printer through an FTP session For formatted print files use binary image type transfers Use FTP printing FTP connections FTP printing uses a TCP control connection and a data connection Once an FTP session is opened ...

Страница 186: ...ode which marks the end of file by closing the data connection Once a data connection is established the file transfer type ASCII or binary is specified Clients attempt to auto negotiate a transfer type The default transfer type depends on the client system For example UNIX might default to binary To specify the transfer type enter the bin or ascii command at the FTP prompt FTP login To start an F...

Страница 187: ...ectory of the HP Jetdirect FTP server quit Terminate the FTP session with the printer server bye dir Display the contents of the current directory If entered in the root directory a list of available printing ports is displayed ls pwd Display the current directory or the current HP Jetdirect printing port put Filename File name Filename to send to the selected HP Jetdirect print server port Port 1...

Страница 188: ...mand put filename portx or cd to a desired port and use put filename Ready to print to PORT1 230 User logged in ftp pwd 257 is current directory default port is PORT1 HP Color LaserJet 4500 ftp cd port1 250 Changed directory to PORT1 ftp pwd 257 PORT1 is current directory HP Color LaserJet 4500 ftp bin 200 Type set to I Using binary mode to transfer files ftp put d atlas temp ftp_test ps 200 PORT ...

Страница 189: ...inter s control panel The steps to access this menu from the printer control panel depend on the printer See the printer guide or print a control panel menu map for more information The available HP Jetdirect menus depend on the type of control panel either Graphical or Classic Graphical control panel menus Classic control panel EIO menus ENWW 179 ...

Страница 190: ...ect wireless peer to peer connection to all network nodes without routing through an access point Infrastructure Wireless connection to an access point gateway bridge base station that receives and forwards network traffic between all network nodes SSID Name of the network service set identifier to which the print server is connected Authentication Encryption level on the print server No Security ...

Страница 191: ...he wireless 802 11 settings to their default values Yes or No TCP IP Enable Off Disable the TCP IP protocol On default Enable the TCP IP protocol Host Name An alphanumeric string up to 32 characters identifying the device The default is NPIxxxxxx where xxxxxx is the last six digits of the LAN hardware MAC address IPv4 Settings Config Method How TCP IPv4 parameters are configured on the HP Jetdirec...

Страница 192: ... is unable to obtain an IP address from the network during a forced TCP IP reconfiguration For example when manually configured to use BootP or DHCP Auto IP Link local IP address 169 254 x x is set Legacy 192 0 0 192 is set consistent with older HP Jetdirect devices Primary DNS IP address n n n n of a primary DNS server NOTE Displays only if Manual configuration is a higher priority than DHCP in t...

Страница 193: ...that the print server uses NOTE Displays only if Manual configuration is a higher priority than DHCP in the Config Precedence table when configured using the HP Embedded Web Server Proxy Server Proxy server to use by embedded applications in the device A proxy server is typically used by network clients for Internet access The proxy server caches Web pages and provides a degree of Internet securit...

Страница 194: ...quired Only HTTPS access is accepted The print server appears as a secure site HTTP HTTPS Optional Access using either HTTP or HTTPS NOTE The factory default setting depends on the print server model IPsec or Firewall Specify the IPsec or Firewall status on the print server Keep Retain IPsec Firewall configuration Disable Disable IPsec Firewall operation on the print server NOTE Displays IPsec if ...

Страница 195: ...nt Keep Disable Diagnostics Embedded Tests HP Jetdirect embedded print servers only Diagnose network hardware or TCP IP network connection problems Use an embedded test to check hardware and communication paths on the print server After you select and enable a test and set the execution time select Execute to initiate the test Depending on the execution time a selected test runs continuously until...

Страница 196: ...or occurs or the device is turned off Data gathered from the HTTP SNMP and Data Path tests is printed after the tests complete Execute No default Do not run the selected tests Yes Run the selected tests Ping Test Test network communications Sends link level packets to a remote network host then waits for an appropriate response Dest Type Target device is an IPv4 or IPv6 node Dest IPv4 The IPv4 add...

Страница 197: ... of sent ping test packets without a response from the remote host since the most recent test was initiated or completed RTT Min Minimum detected round trip time RTT from 0 to 4096 milliseconds for packet transmission and response RTT Max Shows the maximum detected round trip time RTT from 0 to 4096 milliseconds for packet transmission and response RTT Average Average RTT from 0 to 4096 millisecon...

Страница 198: ...d link speed of the hub switch port A 1000T half duplex selection is not supported 10T Half 10 Mbps half duplex operation 10T Full 10 Mbps full duplex operation 100TX Half 100 Mbps half duplex operation 100TX Full 100 Mbps full duplex operation 100TX Auto Limits auto negotiation to a maximum link speed of 100 Mbps on 1000T networks 1000TX Full 1000 Mbps full duplex operation CAUTION Changing the l...

Страница 199: ...ect menu YES Access the HP Jetdirect menu TCP IP IPX SPX DLC LLC ATALK Enable the selected protocol stack ON Enable the protocol OFF Disable the protocol NOTE The factory default setting depends on the print server model CFG TCP IP Access the TCP IP menu and set TCP IP protocol parameters NO default Bypass the TCP IP menu YES Access the TCP IP menu BOOTP YES Enable IPv4 configuration by a BootP Se...

Страница 200: ...hen a router is not available ALWAYS Always attempt to obtain its stateful configuration from a DHCPv6 server whether or not a router is available MANUAL KEEP DISABLE Set the behavior of a manually configured IPv6 address detected on the print server KEEP default Maintain the address in an active state DISABLE Maintain the address but in an inactive state Print an HP Jetdirect configuration page t...

Страница 201: ...o not perform verification of the firmware upgrade image PRINT Print a configuration page for the selected item PROTOCOLS Print IPX SPX Novell NetWare AppleTalk or DLC LLC configuration SECURITY Print the current security settings CFG LINK Manually configure the HP Jetdirect print server s network link NO default Bypass the link configuration menu YES Access the link configuration menu Set the lin...

Страница 202: ...192 Appendix C HP Jetdirect control panel menus V 45 xx nn xx ENWW ...


Страница 204: ...sell copies of the Software and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so subject to the following conditions The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY FIT...


Страница 206: can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs and that you know you can do these things To protect your rights we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software or if you modify it For example if you distribute...

Страница 207: ...ions or work under the terms of Section 1 above provided that you also meet all of these conditions a You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change b You must cause any work that you distribute or publish that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof to be licensed as a whole at no c...

Страница 208: ... executable runs unless that component itself accompanies the executable If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code 4 You may not c...

Страница 209: ...n limitation excluding those countries so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded In such case this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License 9 The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and or new versions of the General Public License from time to time Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version ...


Страница 211: ... you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software and charge for this service if you wish that you receive source code or can get it if you want it that you can change the software and use pieces of it in new free programs and that you are informed that you can do these things To protect your rights we need to make restrictions that forbid distributors to deny you these rights or to ask ...

Страница 212: ...e the Lesser General Public License In other cases permission to use a particular library in non free programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of free software For example permission to use the GNU C Library in non free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU operating system as well as its variant the GNU Linux operating system Although the Lesser General Pub...

Страница 213: ... to be licensed at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License d If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses the facility other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that in the event an application does not supply such function ...

Страница 214: ...e the scope of this License However linking a work that uses the Library with the Library creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library because it contains portions of the Library rather than a work that uses the library The executable is therefore covered by this License Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables When a work that uses the Library uses material from a ...

Страница 215: ... user has already received a copy of these materials or that you have already sent this user a copy For an executable the required form of the work that uses the Library must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the executable from it However as a special exception the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed in either source or bin...

Страница 216: ...ld invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the f...


Страница 218: ...without prior written permission of the OpenSSL Project 6 Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit www openssl org THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT AS IS AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF M...

Страница 219: ...g features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young eay cryptsoft com The word cryptographic can be left out if the routines from the library being used are not cryptographic related 4 If you include any Microsoft Windows specific code or a derivative thereof from the apps directory application code you mu...

Страница 220: ...210 Appendix D Open source licensing statements ENWW ...

Страница 221: ... BOOTP REPLY 158 BAD BOOTP TAG SIZE 158 BAD PACKETS RCVD 146 Banner page embedded Web server 79 Telnet configuration 48 TFTP configuration 29 Bonjour 51 76 85 embedded Web server 76 100 Telnet 51 TFTP 31 BOOTP embedded Web server 76 Telnet configuration 46 Using 22 BOOTP Server Configuration 23 Identifying 149 BOOTP DHCP IN PROGRESS 158 BOOTP RARP IN PROGRESS 158 Browsers embedded web server 64 HP...

Страница 222: ...02 1X 100 HTTPS 98 IKEv1 IKEv2 117 IPsec 114 SNMP v3 98 Error messages 152 HP Jetdirect configuration page 139 Printer control panel 131 ESP See Encapsulating Security Payload F Factory defaults resetting 126 Cold reset 126 Security parameters 27 43 92 184 191 TCP IP from Telnet 60 factory defaults resetting wireless parameters 68 Failsafe 107 Firewall 4 Control panel menu 184 embedded Web server ...

Страница 223: ...on 34 J Jetdirect certificate 94 K KDC See Key Distribution Center Kerberos Configuration 115 116 Key Distribution Center 116 L LAN ERROR BABBLE 153 CONTROLLER CHIP 153 EXTERNAL LOOPBACK 153 INFINITE DEFERRAL 153 INTERNAL LOOPBACK 153 LOSS OF CARRIER 153 NO LINKBEAT 154 NO SQE 153 RECEIVER OFF 153 RETRY FAULTS 154 TRANSMITTER OFF 153 UNDERFLOW 153 Link configuration Control panel 188 191 embedded ...

Страница 224: ... detection 118 Reset security Control panel 184 191 embedded Web server 92 Telnet 43 TFTP 27 Resetting to factory defaults 126 Rules IPsec policy Configuration limits 109 S SA See Security Association SAM HP UX print queues 169 SAP Interval 151 SCANNING FOR SSID 153 Secure Web Configuration page entry 162 embedded Web server 98 Telnet configuration 43 TFTP configuration 27 Secure Web Configuration...

Страница 225: ...CVD 146 Transport Layer Security TLS 3 Traps Telnet 55 TFTP 34 Troubleshooting 125 Cold reset the print server 126 Configuration page error messages 152 Disable the print server 128 Flow chart 129 troubleshooting wireless print servers 135 U UNICAST PACKETS RCVD 146 UNIX HP UX and Solaris networks LPD printing 165 Upgrades firmware See Firmware upgrades User Datagram Protocol UDP Bonjour configura...

Страница 226: ...216 Index ENWW ...

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Страница 228: ... 2012 Hewlett Packard Development Company L P www hp com ...
