Access the bootable partition (
: where X is the file system number) for the device you want
to boot OpenVMS.
For example, enter
to access the bootable partition for the bootable file system number
The EFI Shell prompt changes to reflect the file system currently accessed.
The file system number might change each time it is mapped (for example, when the
server boots, or when the
map -r
command is issued).
When accessing the bootable partition for the desired boot device, issue the
command to initiate the
loader on the device
you are accessing.
fs5:> \efi\vms\vms_loader.efi
HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Operating System, Version V8.3
© Copyright 1976-2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L. P.
%DECnet-I-LOADED, network base image loaded, version = 05.13.00
%SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #02 has joined the active set.
%SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #03 has joined the active set.
%SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #01 has joined the active set.
%SYSINIT-I- waiting to form or join an OpenVMS Cluster
%VMScluster-I-LOADSECDB, loading the cluster security database
%EWA0, Auto-negotiation mode assumed set by console
%EWA0, Merl5704 located in 64-bit, 66-mhz PCI-X slot
%EWA0, Device type is BCM5704C (UTP) Rev B0 (21000000)
%EWB0, Auto-negotiation mode assumed set by console
%EWB0, Merl5704 located in 64-bit, 66-mhz PCI-X slot
%EWB0, Device type is BCM5704C (UTP) Rev B0 (21000000)
%PKA0, Copyright (c) 2001 LSI Logic, PKM V1.1.01 Chip LSISAS1068
%EWA0, Link up: 1000 mbit, full duplex, flow control disabled
Exit the console and iLO 2 MP interfaces when finished using them.
to exit the system console and return to the MP Main Menu. To exit the iLO 2 MP,
at the MP Main Menu.
Shutting Down OpenVMS
This section describes how to shut down the HP OpenVMS operating system on the server.
Log in to OpenVMS running on the server that you want to shut down.
Log in to the iLO 2 MP for the server and use the Console menu to access the system console.
Accessing the console through the iLO 2 MP enables you to maintain console access to the
server after HP OpenVMS has shut down.
Booting and Shutting Down the Operating System