Table 12 Basic Low End Troubleshooting
1. Examine the iLO 2 MP logs for entries related to
processors, processor power modules (PPM)s, and shared
memory, and core I/O devices (see
“Errors and Error Logs”
(page 101)
for more details).
Preceding problem is fixed when the OS prompt appears
on the system console.
Table 13 Advanced Low End Troubleshooting
System event logging has stopped and a BMC malfunction is assumed
(health is steady green and power is steady green).
Cannot read System Event Log
from the system console.
1. Examine console messages for any EFI errors or warnings about BMC
operation or communications.
2. Test the operation of the BMC by toggling the UID locator LED on the
front panel -- the blue LED is turned On/Off by the BMC through the
system console.
Preceding problem is fixed when the System Event Log resumes logging.
Front panel LEDs indicate that the server blade’s power is turned on,
and it is either booting or running the OS (for example, health is steady
green and power is steady green).
OS is non-responsive (hung)
Nothing may be logged for this condition.
1. Use the system console to start a system initialization, or push the Init
(ToC) pinhole button on the front of the server blade.
2. Reboot the OS and escalate.
3. Obtain the system hardware status dump for root cause analysis.
4. Examine the iLO 2 MP logs for entries related to processors, processor
power modules (PPMs), shared memory, and core I/O devices (see
“Errors and Error Logs” (page 101)
for more details).
The preceding problem is fixed when the root cause is determined.
Front panel LEDs indicate that the server blade detected a fatal error
that it cannot recover from through OS recovery routines (for example,
health is flashing red and power is steady green).
MCA occurs during server blade
operation; the server blade
reboots the OS.
1. Capture the MCA dump with the EFI command,
errdump mca
. If the
server blade can boot the OS, you can capture binary MCA dump files
Server blade reboots OS if
2. Examine the iLO 2 MP logs for entries related to processors, processor
power modules (PPMs), shared memory, and core I/O devices (See
“Errors and Error Logs” (page 101)
Preceding problem is fixed when the MCA does not repeat, or the source
of the MCA has been determined and dealt with.
Front panel LEDs indicate that the server blade detected a fatal, front
side bus error, caused by MBEs reading cache or DIMM; or by any
MCA occurs during server blade
operation; server blade reboot of
OS is prevented.
parity in the I/O path between SBA, LBA, or HBA (for example, health
is Off Power is Steady Green).
The troubleshooting actions
for this step are identical to those System firmware is running to gather and log all error data for this MCA
in Step 8a, except that the server
blade in this step must be hard
1. Examine the iLO 2 MP logs for entries related to processors, processor
power modules (PPMs), shared memory, and core I/O devices (see
“Errors and Error Logs” (page 101)
reset to begin the booting
You must hard reset the server
blade to clear the fatal condition
and boot the OS.
Preceding problem is fixed when the MCA does not repeat.